Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Please Help Rhyan

(Update: since posting this yesterday, Rhyan received two more donations totaling $100, which translates to much more in pesos.  I hope it was due to this post.  Please help Rhyan.  St Thomas says the greatest act of penance most pleasing to God is almsgiving. Thank you.) 

Rhyan is a traditional Catholic, attending the SSPX in the Philippines, young man in his 30’s, single, living with his brother.  He is a an insurance agent working remotely online for Jeff Cassman here in the US, a popular apologist on the internet for Catholic Tradition.  

My wife befriended him through the SSPX Faithful group on Facebook and has been following his story.  Her Filipino friend once met him years ago when he was still in good health.  Please consider helping Rhyan.

Rhyan is crippled, bound to a wheel chair, in extreme pain, with extreme back problems, needing a back surgery.  He is barely able to do any online work to support himself and has no insurance.  He is poor with little or no money. 

To explain his condition in the most simple terms, a few years ago a prescribed medication seriously damaged his kidneys resulting in severe loss of minerals from his body, gradually over time causing his vertebrae to deteriorate and fracture.  There is hope after surgery and long term therapies to see some degree of healing and recovery.  God has a purpose for Rhyan’s life.

Please help Rhyan at his fundraiser here, and please spread the word (ps to verify his identity and situation, feel free to contact the SSPX priory in Mindanao, Philippines, the priests bring him Holy Communion knowing well his situation):

                             Click HERE

Sunday, July 21, 2024

A Cliff Falls Into the Creek. A Short Story about Miracles and Catholic Action

Ch. 1  A Falling Cliff

James was a devout Catholic convert, a plumber, living in the countryside with his wife homeschooling a family of eight children.  He enjoyed the outdoors, volunteering at church, and spending time with his kids.  A few years before, his wife battled brain cancer thankfully surviving on a carnivore diet, which is why they moved to rural land to raise beef.

One day James was out on the edge of his property with his son Samuel maintaining the beehive when he saw his neighbor Joe.  Joe strolled on over, and the two had a long talk, while Samuel checked a few of his hunting traps nearby.   Trapping is the most efficient way to obtain nutrition from the land, even more than gardening or deer hunting, but I digress.

As James and Joe were talking about religion (Joe was an atheist), James pointed to a cliff hanging at an angle over the creek nearby saying “You know Joe, that cliff must’ve been hanging there for thousands of years, all this time not falling into the creek.  That is the hand of God.”  Joe laughed “That’s the structural integrity of the sediment, James.”  At that exact moment the cliff came loose from the land and crashed entirely into the creek.  The odds that this occurrence was a coincidence, i.e. accidentally coinciding with this conversation, was at least 1/50,000,000.  That’s one in fifty million. At least.  

By the way, this incident is based closely on a true story. 

James and Joe looked at each other in shock and disbelief.  And then James started exclaiming “praise God.  That’s a miracle Joe.”  Joe responded shaking his head “Yeah, I’ll admit it, if anything is a miracle that is.  I’d have to say you’re right James.”

Samuel ran back to the homestead to alert mother and the other kids to come see.  That day would change Joe’s life.

Ch. 2. The Documentary

Plumbers make very good money, actually, yet because James was very frugal and the family lived to a great extent off of their land, he was able to bank roll the production of a twenty minute documentary about this miracle.  He hired a geology consultant, statistician consultant, theologian consultant, and documentary film maker.  The private investigation scrutinized video taken from Samuel’s hunting cameras monitoring his hunting traps that captured the fall of the cliff on video, land records and recent Google gps images, the strata of rock and earth around the cliff, and sworn testimony under oath using polygraph that the cliff’s fall into the creek was not planned.  

James was able to save money hiring a local university student majoring in film to make the documentary.   It began with a short few minutes of conversation with a local traditionalist monk about his conversion from atheism to Catholicism to a large degree due to miracles.  It then showed James’ property through drone footage showing his homestead, the path to the beehive area and creek, and the cliff.  Photos were shown taken from Samuel’s hunting camera of the cliff before it fell into the creek.  This segment was a couple minutes long. 

Next, James was shown taking a polygraph and then giving his account of the miracle, followed by the same for Joe.  Joe himself was visibly emotional giving his account, how he now was reconsidering his atheism-materialism  worldview. This segment was about five minutes.  

Next there was testimony from the geologist and statistician explaining the math and science of the incident, how the facts point with an extremely high degree of certainty to no natural cause of the cliff falling at that moment into the creek.  Total time for this segment about five minutes. 

And the concluding segment was a five minute discussion between a local theologian and the same traditionalist priest concluding in their opinion the occurrence was a miracle.  

Twenty minutes total with excellent footage, analysis, cinematography, dramatic effect, and musical score.  James was advised to start a YouTube channel and Facebook page to promote the video, and one of his eldest kids with computer savvy organized it and launched it across social media.  Mother counted the project as a homeschool project in computer science and religion combined integrally.  In the first day, the video got 50,000 views.  After a few weeks he had 10 million views, with over 30,000 subscribers. James knew this was a sign God wanted him to use some of his spare time to keep sharing publicly this miracle, to help convert souls. 

Ch. 3.  A Catholic Apostolate is Born 

James was not good at using a computer, but his daughter Anna helped show him how to use a mouse, log into YouTube and Facebook, and upload videos and comments.  Before he knew it he was checking everyday and answering the comments, and sharing his documentary with bloggers and podcasters.  He would be interviewed by Anthony Stine at Rerurn to Tradition, Kennedy Hall of Mere Tradition, and eventually even by Dr. Jordan Peterson.   He and his documentary were now being discussed by millions of people around the world.  He found it interesting that a sizeable percentage of views came from China, whose government is officially atheist.

This all started with one particular miraculous event, made into a documentary, and shared online. 

Before James knew it, he was traveling with Joe one weekend a month to present the documentary at different events, give their own testimonial, and answer questions.  They would bring many people to God, to Christ, and to the Church.  Joe himself became a very devout Catholic, praying the rosary and Little Office of the Blessed Virgin Mary daily, signing up for weekly Eucharistic adoration, and becoming a third order Benedictine.

Conclusion: God is still working miracles, everyday in fact.  St. Augustine said paraphrasing “I would not be a Christian if it weren’t for the miracles.”  Miracles are behind every corner in the most unexpected circumstances, God showing us that He does in fact exist and has an all-good Providence over our lives working every material reality for the greater good, especially our own eternal salvation. 

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

John’s Plight. A Short Story about Overcoming a Crisis.

Ch.1 The Perfect Storm 

Once upon a time there was a thirty year old man named John. John was a quiet sort of guy who loved history and hiking.  By age thirty he felt behind the curve in his life.  He was unmarried, no children, no career, and had been struggling with depression after the passing of his mother a few years before.  He had never met his father, though his mother told him he had died “during the war” with no idea which war.

John’s mother had battled breast cancer, he nursing her at home until her death. He had to drop out of law school to take care of her, ending up working as a clerk at a Quickimart.  He was raised Catholic but fell away from the Church during college.  His one consolation was his relationship with Brandy, his girlfriend/fiancé.  He couldn’t believe she was his girlfriend as she was slender and very pretty and he was about seventy-pounds overweight.  But they had a genuine love connection, or so he thought. After John’s mother died, they moved in together.

But John always had this nebulous feeling Brandy didn’t really like or respect him.  She often made critical comments against him, several times calling him a “loser” for quitting  law school to work in a convenience store. He quit to care for his dying mother, but deep dish that didn’t matter to her.  One day he came home and found her, let’s just say, cheating on him.  Instead of breaking it off, he tried to get them to go to a counselor, which she laughed off.  More betrayals would happen, followed by fights.  Several times he got rather angry, plus unlike Brandy he basically let his weight go.

A perfect storm of misfortune was looming on the horizon. He couldn’t afford Quickimart’s health insurance plan, or rather he couldn’t budget his money wisely for it since he had a bad habit of over-ordering Doordash.  One evening after getting back from frisbee golf with a friend, he noticed an insect bite on his thigh.  The next day he started manifesting symptoms: fatigue, muscle pain, nerve pain, tremors, GI symptoms, balance issues, etc.

Two trips to the emergency room only ruled out a heart attack or stroke, which he knew he didn’t have.  His girlfriend kept criticizing and fighting with  him for not having health insurance.  Deep down she was also afraid he had a major illness but that she would be stuck taking care of him medically and financially.  Also deep down she resented him for his socio-economic status with no immediate plans or efforts for upward mobility.  

For him he was still grieving the loss of his mother, recovering from a period of depression from the years taking care of her after leaving law school, and trying to figure out his next step.  He was thinking to either to go back to law school or teach history.  For her teaching didn’t pay enough and deep down she was trying to pressure him to go back to law school despite his main interest,  under the condition that she would only stay with him if he did, while never admitting this out loud to him.

After three weeks of near misery forcing himself to go to work, many days missing work, they finally fired him.  The perfect storm had hit and was only about to get worse.

One day John left the apartment for a few hours only to return to find his fiance had left him.  On the dining room table she left a note that said one word: “loser.”  Checking her closet, all her clothes were gone.  The landlord knocked on the door to remind him the next day he would be evicted for not paying rent.   He said he thought his fiancé was paying the rent, and the landlord replied “Nope.  She paid me nothing   You’re out of luck my friend” in a sarcastic enough tone he knew the landlord didn’t care about his situation.  Evictions happen every day including from people genuinely finding themselves in a financial crisis unable to pay.

So John left in anger and went down to the corner to try and buy some marijuana from a dealer.  He had only $20 left to his name.  Growing up he never used drugs, but in college he fell into a bad crowd and turned to pot to deal with the stress of school plus his mother fighting breast cancer. Under extreme stress, he would still smoke pot on occasion, which was bad for his health, plus it often gets people in trouble as we are about to see.   

John paces back and forth in front of the taco stand waiting for Hector, when he appears around the corner with two members of his gang.  John deep down is in a state of shock, despair, and rage, and starts arguing with Hector about the price of a joint.  Hector gets defensive and pushes John a little, who swings at Hector missing, suddenly using a racial slur which he himself rarely used, surprised in that moment he used it.  

He really doesn’t know how to fight plus he’s very weak and in a lot of pain.  Within a few weeks his whole life had literally crashed down on top of him.  He had no siblings, cousins, aunts, uncles grandparents, or good close friends he could lean on.  Even his friend Tanner was little more than a fair weather friend. He was at the end  of his rope.

And then Hector and his gang beat up John to the point of unconsciousness.  John blacked out and would remain, or I should say be kept unconscious for two days.

Ch.2   Survival.

John woke up two days later with an aching headache, all the sane symptoms, and heard the sound of wild animals.  He was laying on the ground and it felt rocky.  As he opened his eyes, he was shocked to see a scene that looked like a jungle.  In all directions were jingle-like trees and vines, and wild bushes, thickly growing throughout the jungle.  He could hear what sounded like a small river.

As he sat up, thoughts raced through his head.  Where was he?  Why was he there?  Who put him there?  He put two and two together and guessed that gang had drugged and kidnapped him and as a sick joke had him flown to Central or South America and dropped in the jungle.  What he did not know was that he was inserted deeply into the jungle in Guatemala, about thirty miles upstream from the nearest settlement, a small primitive village inhabited by a local tribe.  

As he thought more, it all hit him.  Having to leave law school, his mother’s extreme condition, her death, his depression, fiancé cheating on him, sudden serious health condition, loss of job, loss of fiancé, and then loss of home.  A perfect storm.  And last but not least his fight with the gang resulting in being drugged, kidnapped, and now abandoned in the wild jungle, in a foreign county, to die.

John broke down.  He hung his head and remembered doing so in prayer as a child.  So he prayed to God saying he was sorry for all his mistakes in life, begging God to help him survive and find civilization.  As he wiped his eyes, and feeling a sensation of peace, John was able to collect his thoughts enough to visualize the future.  On one hand, he visualized himself starving to death in that jingle.  But on the other hand, he envisioned himself somehow walking out of that jungle, getting back to the US, recovering from whatever illness he has, getting stable work and housing, and eventually becoming a teacher, marrying, and having kids, which he always had wanted.

He thought next about how to survive recalling what he learned from Boy Scouts survival merit badge, and watching survival shows on TV.  He knew to a) find fresh clean water, b) food, c) shelter, d) craft some kind of self defense, e) stay well hydrated, and f) follow a water way down stream until eventually finding  other people.

But first he would need to make a few tools.  Fortunately, those gang members had missed taking the Swiss Army knife from his pocket, which included attachments such as a tiny saw, compass, and a fire starter, a piece of flint when struck by the blade makes sparks.  So with a renewed desire to live and make the best of his one life, he set out and made a hiking stick/spear, hallowed bowls made out of coconut shells for boiling water, a portable fish trap, and pouch worn around his shoulders to hold his tools.  This all took a few hours, but first he made a fire and boiled a total of about a gallon of water he drank, knowing he was severely dehydrated. He then passed out in exhaustion for a long nap.

When John woke up, from the position of the sun in the sky, it seemed maybe 3 pm.  Estimating sunset within the jungle to be around 5, he decided to set the fish trap, grow the fire, and build a quick bamboo platform up in a tree for sleeping, for better protection at night from deadly snakes, spiders, and predators like mountain lions.  He was able to catch one small fish which relieved some of his hunger enough to sleep.

The village to the south would ordinarily take a healthy man 2-3 days to reach.  For John, in his condition, it would take him 10 grueling days of fatigue and frequent near exhaustion requiring frequent rest breaks.  During these breaks he’d pray the rosary for strength, which he could still remember, but also lay against a rock and have conversations with his deceased mother.  There were moments he thought she was still alive from the delirium.  He’d slowly walk down the embankment of the small river. Walk for tents minutes, rest for twenty minutes, and so on.  It was thirty miles downstream to that village, but he had no idea how far to civilization, For all he knew it was a hundred miles.  

His pain and fatigue was at times excruciating.  There were moments of delirium and feelings of no natural, material hope of success. But he kept going.  By the tenth day he had lost 30 pounds, and all of a sudden he saw the smoke from fires in that tiny village.  Small children saw him first, and then ran to get their elders.  By now John could barely walk.

        Ch. 3. The Village.

The village was about fifty people living in ten bamboo huts arranged in a circle.  In the middle was a smaller circular fenced area holding the goats, and an area for cooking and dancing.  John would end up spending about a month in this community.  The people couldn’t speak English, but they were fun loving and caring people, and during that month they greatly helped him heal. 

On one side of the circle was the hut of the chief; on the other side was the hut of the medicine man/spiritual leader.  After the tribe discovered him stumbling down the banks of the river so exhausted he was in danger of death, giving him several coconut’s worth of coconut water, a great source of potassium, they brought him to the medicine man.  He prescribed John a diet of coconut water, sweet potatoes, and generous amounts of goat meat.  After a couple hours of pantomimes and gestures, despite the language barrier, John was able to explain that he was an American, kidnapped, and somehow brought to the jungle to die.  They celebrated figuring out what was going on with him with a couple drinks of coconut wine. And then John crashed on a bed in one of the huts and slept for two days straight.

One evening he woke up to the sound of singing and dancing, and looked out the door to see what looked like a celebration.  The village had roasted a goat rotisserie style over the coals.  He was brought near the fire and given coconut water, sweet potatoes, and copious amounts of roasted goat meat.

John spent most of his days quietly observing the village activities from a distance, having playful exchanges with the children, and taking  short walks near the river to rebuild his strength and reflect.  Good nutritious food, walks, long sleeping, and most importantly being in s positive supportive environment, helped him heal.   

               Ch. 3  Full Recovery

One day an American group of Pentecostal missionaries was passing through, and volunteered to bring John to the nearest town hospital, where John progressed in his recovery.  The doctor was only able to order a few tests to rule out tropical illness, yet the pains and fatigue persisted.  The American embassy was contacted, and before he knew it John was back in the US in an inpatient rehab hospital for a few months, approved for emergency Medicaid, receiving physical, occupational, and speech therapy, as well as counseling.  Neurological and all other serious diseases were ruled out.  His diagnosis was psychosomatic illness brought on by a configuration of several extremely stressful events in his life.  His prognosis, given his level of self-awareness, neuroplasticity (ability of brain to create new pathways and heal), and commitment, was very good. 

Next John went to live in a kind of half-way house, working part-time, regaining his strength, and continuing to heal.  Gradually his pains would subside and fade away permanently.  He was tempted to reconnect with his fiance, until his counselor helped him forgive her for precipitating a crisis from hell and realize he was worth more, that he could find an honorable, loving, honest woman.

Long story short, five years later John was in excellent health, married to a humble, devout Catholic woman named Hope, with two children, teaching history.  Together they had discovered the Traditional Latin Mass.  On weekends he took his dog hiking along a nearby river bank, and always took a rest stop to remember and give thanks for that jungle tribe that saved his life.  He often visited his mother’s grave, prayed daily for past enemies, and was planning a trip back to Guatamala to visit his “second family.”


In part due to his own mistakes, and in part due to raw misfortune, John nearly died.  But he turned to God, to his Faith, to kind, helping people, and not only survived, but got back on track for God’s plan over his life.  No matter what happens in your life, no matter how bad or dark, never ever give up.  Ever.  Believe in God’s plan for your life.  Take account of your mistakes and overcome them.  Focus on the good, true, and beautiful. Persevere. As Scripture says “Do not let evil overcome good, but instead let the good overcome evil.”  Thanks be to God. 

Monday, July 15, 2024

Case Closed. The Democrats Conspired to Assassinate President Trump.

The only question now is the names of the individuals who planned this and bringing them to justice.  Odds are that never happens. 

I’m now at 95% certainty this was an inside job. And that is from my own personal analysis of the facts coming out, with no influence from the conservative media.   Which brings me to a level of reasonable certainty aka “moral certainty.”  

For legal purposes, I will only put it this way:  the “Democrats” did it, and it “involved” law enforcement.  

Additional facts we now know:

1. Forensic evidence points to there being three guns that were shot.  The shooter we know about only had time to use one gun before being killed.  Therefore, there were two other shooters.  That’s three total. And I doubt we hear they discover he was conspiring with two other buddies.

2.  The SS (ironic) assigned a 5 foot, 5 inches officer standing at the podium guarding Trump, against protocol, exposing nearly one foot of Trump including the head.  

3. No surveillance of the one most obvious spot where there would be a potential sniper. The SS doesn’t make this kind of mistake protecting a former president running again for president.  A building 120 yards from Trump.  That kind of mistake of logistics would be rare.  

4. 3 minutes of yelling from crowd to law enforcement there was a man with a gun on top of the building.  3 minutes.  Enough time to alert Trump to leave the stage.  Also would mean it was rare mistake to fail to communicate promptly. Too many “rare mistakes” at that event.  

5. DHS denied Trump’s recent request for more SS security.  

President Trump was nearly assassinated, which would have meant a political victory for the radical Left.  One heroic father protecting his family was hit by a bullet and killed.  Two others are in critical condition.

THEY can target any of us like they are Trump on a lesser scale.  We are literally living in a dictator state ruled by the Leftist elitists.

How much longer until conservative states start talking secession by legal (and peaceful) means?  How much longer can we cooperate with any of this?

If Trump gets taken out (they’ll keep trying), that escalates us closer to official world war. And we know THEY want this.  Trump would end it quickly.  And they know this.  

Keep Trump alive, reverse the escalation towards world war, ensure some level of world peace. Take him out, the globalist elites can proceed with their agenda to go to war with Russia.  

But on Saturday THEY failed.  And going forward Trump would be safer giving public speeches being protected by Eagle Scouts with sling shots than the SS. 

For now, that’s all I’ll say about this.  Righteous anger right now is necessary, but I’m still recovering from my health crisis (update: symptoms have been resolving, continuing medical treatment), so in the interest of my health and future, I’ll be refraining from direct commentary right now about malevolent events in the Church or politics.  Even if they try to assassinate Trump again or the Vatican issues the “final solution” on the TLM. 

Instead, one focus will be on a short story I’m writing, about a man destitute, ill, stranded in the wilderness, about his plight to survive, heal, and regain his life, loosely symbolic of my own situation. Stay tuned. 

Sunday, July 14, 2024

Now 91% certain Democrats Planned Trump Assassination

The attempt was yesterday.  I said 90% certain THEY planned this, for reasons discussed. And by THEY, we all know who THEY are. 

Today my certainty goes up, but cautiously to 91%.  Time will tell if that number rises or goes down. A few more facts could result in “moral certainty”enough to practically treat it as fact.

Here is my current theory: THEY targeted and brainwashed this young guy to do it   As THEY have done in the past with assassinations and mass shootings. That or conspire to let a lone assassin eventually enter the perimeter at a Trump event and assassinate him, and then play like at worse it was just a mistake in security. 

Here are the people most likely to definitively uncover this, if true: MAGA members of Congress, Tucker Carlson, whistleblowers, hackers.  The full investigation could take a long time.  Trump could eventually restructure the FBI and DOJ to get to the bottom of it.  Steve Bannon and Alex Jones will follow this heavily.

Here are facts:

1. The man shot from the top of a building.

2. The secret service knew the odds of a potential shooting would come from surrounding buildings. Especially from the top.

3. There were only a few buildings.

4. Therefore, to monitor those buildings only a few men were needed either a) on top of the buildings, b) watching the top (drones, binoculars, etc), c) and/or controlling who could enter each building at entrances.

5. The guy climbed a ladder to the top.

6. The secret service rarely make mistakes like this. 

7. Therefore, very small odds they did make a mistake, vs something planned.  Let’s say 10% chance of a mistake like this, if that.

8. Therefore, logically, statistically, based on those basic, verifiable facts, the chances this was planned are 90%.  Just from this singular factor alone.  Or higher.

Biden made a comment two weeks ago at a fundraiser about needing to put a BULLSEYE on Trump.  His word.

Etc etc etc.  All the facts point to this.

How many will connect the dots? 

Saturday, July 13, 2024

Trump Assassination Attempt. The Facts Speak for Themselves.

This just happened.  90% certain it’s a Democrat leftist used by the Democrats to assassinate Trump, to win in November. Considering a) they stole the election in 2020, b) engineered the J6 incident, c) use federal agencies for this goal, d) are totalitarian socialists, and e)  since the debate disaster with Biden showed he now cannot win.  

The facts speak for themselves.  They clearly point to the need to suspect the Democrats planned this. 

Not to mention the wide belief the Clinton’s have had people murdered who were interfering with their political goals.  Hillary, Bill, Obama, and Pelosi are said to be pressuring Biden right now to quit.  Does not pass the smell test.  This needs to be investigated asap by MAGA leadership.  The bullet nearly killed President Trump had it been inches closer to his head. Those weren’t BB’s being shot at his head.

(Update: may the pro-Trump bystander who was hit by one of the stray bullets rest in peace.)

It was a miracle it only hit his ear, a sign of God’s favor.  There is only one way at this point Trump loses, and that is through illegal action.  Election fraud, or assassination. The fact he survived will only help him win. 

Plus consider that two of the main journalists who would investigate this, Alex Jones and Steve Bannon, have been “cancelled”recently. 

Ask yourself these questions, if this assassination attempt was planned:  who has motive to assassinate Trump?  What is that motive?  Who is at the top of the list who would hate Trump this much? Who would be driven so much by political ambition to plan this?  Who would even have the constitution to organize something like this?

Answer: it isn’t Joe Biden.  And odds are it wasn’t just some crazy lone shooter. 

Thursday, July 11, 2024

Joe Biden. National Security Threat

God bless the political hero and political prisoner Steve Bannon, who is now wrongfully imprisoned for obeying the law about presidential privilege. He spends his days following lockdown protocol, the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius, and working full time from his cell remotely promoting the re-election of Trump through writing and correspondence.  

He gave a written interview from prison calling on MAGA conservatives to rally together behind this singular message: alert the nation and world that Joe Biden is a threat to national security.  

Pro-MAGA alt media needs to also rally behind Steve Bannon. Legal protests outside of his prison, ongoing press conferences, highlighting how his legal battle mirrors that of Trump and the fight for a legal election.  I for one will do this on this blog in the months ahead. Not because I think Bannon (or Trump) is some kind of political savior, but rather because the MAGA movement is the best we have politically to conserve what little remains of Christian society in this country.

The Democrats have placed the US and the world at serious risk of World War III, this being one of the top issues voters this year are concerned about.  They got Biden “elected” knowing full well he had dementia.  Those around him have manipulated him as a form of elder abuse.  This is common sense, that you don’t encourage an elderly man who is in a near constant state of confusion, short term memory loss, and disorientation to become the Commander-in-chief unless your sick political ambitions have priority over this man’s health.

Recently a neurologist on NBC, a life long Democrat, diagnosed Biden on the air with Parkinson’s disease, which from my own experience with my dad (RIP) who had this terrible condition, typically causes dementia, motor control problems, and a debilitated state.

Russia (and its allies) is literally closer to nuclear war with the US than ever before.  Yet the leader of the free world, with the constitutional authority to deploy nuclear weapons without consent of Congress, at a moment’s notice, can’t make it through the day without large doses of anti-dementia medications, naps, being supervised by staff like he is in the dementia ward of a nursing home, but at any moment could literally find himself in the “situation room” with his finger on the red button.

Because of Biden’s severe medical condition, he is unable to fulfill the duties of office, not only the next four years, but as we speak.  His performance in the debate was the final outing of his condition in horrifying plain view, which everyone knew already, but which the media now is unable to ignore.  The next debate coming soon will also be a telling disaster.

This is a disaster for the Dems, but also the nation.  For the Dems because they now stand practically no chance of winning (legally).  But also for the nation since this indicates a national security crisis.  Biden needs to be investigated immediately by Congress demanding public disclosure of his condition followed by articles of impeachment. ASAP.  When Biden shuffles back on stage with a blank face, mumbling, incoherently following the line of debate, for a second time, there will be no excuse otherwise.  

Impeach Biden now.  Our national security depends on it.

Spread the word.  

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Trump Will Win

There’s only one thing at this point preventing Trump from winning and that would be The Steal 2.0.  The Dems know this.  Today a neurologist on NBC literally diagnosed Biden with Parkinson’s.  My dad had it, it’s a terrible disease including dementia.  At this point I’m confident they will not be nominating Biden at the convention.  It would look very bad if Kamala doesn’t replace him, so they’ll have to, but they know Trump then will surely win.  My bet is they try again to steal the election as their last resort, but this time around will be unsuccessful. Trump will be back in the White House next January, which is a turn in the right direction and cause for hope.

Friday, July 5, 2024

Arguments For the Invalidity of the Vatican Excommunication of Archbishop Vigano

(Edit: to be clear I accept Pope Francis to be the pope, and do not adhere to Vigano’s statements to the contrary. But I do think it is an open, debatable question. I am no canon lawyer or theologian, but I expect the experts in support of Vigano to be considering the following arguments)

1. Lack of due process - notifying him merely by email of the accusation, no trial giving him a chance to clarify or defend his statements. In particular, since his statements can be interpreted in a variety of ways, including in keeping with the Faith and unity with the Church. 

2. Political motivation/double standard - not excommunicating the German bishops formally teaching heresy and approving heretical disciplines, while only excommunicating a single bishop calling out the very same heretical political agenda behind the election of Bergoglio. That is the agenda of The St. Gallen Mafia to approve communion-for-the-divorced-and-remarried, blessing of homosexual couples, female deacons, etc, etc, etc.  

3. Vigano’s statements did not rise to the level of a) formally, officially judging the validity of Pope Francis, as he already stated, b) formal, legal break with the pope, c) interpreting the Council anymore strictly than Archbishop Lefebvre or the SSPX. 

4. Lack of motive - clearly he had no motive to deny in principle submission to a validly elected pope, or in practice in a formal, definite way.   Rather, as he stated many times, his motive for his declarations was to defend the Faith and the Church from the evils coming out of Rome since the election of Bergoglio.  Even if there were no such evils (there clearly are), he acted in good faith believing there were.

5. Case of necessity - of the 5000 Catholic bishops, Archbishop Vigano was one of a tiny number of bishops speaking out publicly on the corruptions and evils coming from under this pontificate, from Rome, which he summarized in his last statement before his sentence.  The whole Church needed bishops to speak out publicly about the evil agenda, in order to defend the Church.  Even if Vigano spoke unwisely at times, which is debatable, clearly he spoke out out of necessity (real or perceived), out of love for the Church, as a Successor to the Apostles.

6. Disproportionate punishment - excommunication is the worst possible punishment.  Considering Vigano’s age (84), decades of service to the Vatican and as US papal nuncio, even if he was guilty of singular acts of schismatic statements, those are singular acts.  He could first receive a) a formal public warning, b) censure, c) suspension, d) fine, e) being forbidden to speak publicly, etc.

7. The judgment of Cardinal Fernandez, overseeing the DDF presumably issuing  this judgment, cannot be trusted due to a) issuing permission to bless homosexual couples (as such, which he did clarify), b) not repenting of his pornographic and heretical book written as a priest including a chapter with child pornography involving a child having sexual relations with Christ c) being the chief author of Amoris L. giving approval for active adulterers to receive communion, active homosexuals to have liturgical roles, etc.

8.  The evidence as presented that Cardinal Bergoglio was not validly elected pope (see book Dictator Pope, etc).  Even if that evidence is deemed inconclusive, or objectively weak, obviously Vigano acted in good faith believing the evidence was conclusive and strong enough to make the statements he made, which were at most his personal opinion, not an official, authoritative judgment as he has already clarified.  

Archbishop Vigano Excommunicated

For never declaring in an official judgment the See to be vacant. 

For never stating in any formal statement a literal, formal refusal to be in communion with or subject to the pope.  

For stating his opinion the St Gallen Mafia invalidly got Bergoglio elected in the 2013 conclave.  

For professing that he holds the same positions as Archbishop Lefebvre on the Second Vatican Council.

Archbishop Vigano has been (arguably) invalidly declared excommunicated from the Catholic Church.

That unnecessary declaration starting a kind of internal schism between the Vatican and the followers of Archbishop Vigano, including all those priests and chapels under his guidance through his new society Exsurge Domine.

As one more battle waged by the modernists in their war with traditional Catholics and the traditional Catholic Faith.

Let us stand with Archbishop Vigano, even if you disagree with the tone of some of his more recent statements.  This is just the latest battle in the war between the new church of modernism and the Catholic Church.

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Concerns: New Vatican Document on Apparitions and Other Supernatural Phenomenon

God is often performing miracles around the world that cannot be verified quickly by the local bishop or Vatican, in the form of apparitions, allocutions, visions, healings, the stigmata, crying statues, holy people levitating in prayer, incorrupt bodies, and the like.  Sometimes the phenomenon is not authentic, heterodox, and taken advantage of my charlatans.

That said, could not the new Vatican document making ecclesiastical investigations more judicious and efficient not result in at least a partial suppression of signs from heaven meant to convey the Christian message?

Modernists deny the supernatural, and therefore dismiss these phenomena as medieval superstition.  And since modernists have a stronghold in the Vatican, how much will they use this document to suppress the supernatural? 

The new rules have the local bishop and Vatican officials investigate and judge the case asap, to determine whether or not to support the laity engaging it, or to forbid doing so.   But it has to go relatively quickly with a final decision.  Why not allow in some cases a longer process, or to suspend judgment when the phenomenon is difficult to figure out but not harming the faithful?

There are many of these phenomena around the world, resulting in a local following of popular piety, Catholics traveling to pray and ask God’s blessing at the sight of these phenomena.  God frequently performs miracles in different parts of the world, to increase people’s faith.  Small chapels and shrines are built.  It is a form a piety going back to the early Church.

But throughout Church history, the Church allows these forms of popular piety to help develop and spread faith, at times intervening to promote or forbid that piety, but often not making any official judgment.  Devotion to private revelations and miracles has always been part of the life of the Church.  

Let’s look at the case of Sr. Wilhemena’s incorrupt body at the convent in Missouri, discovered last year.   Last I heard the bishop told the faithful they could not venerate Sister’s body.  What is wrong with touching her body, or rather the encasement of her body, to venerate her for her holiness, and ask for her prayers?  Why does that require the bishop’s permission? 

I have my doubts the diocese will rule the incorruption is worthy of belief and veneration.  Especially after this new document.  The document seems to be trying to root out false phenomena without promoting the existence of these true phenomena.  Without affirming that God continues to intervene with miracles that can be verified.  I don’t think it denies this, but it seems focused on cracking down on false phenomenon, which comes across cynical about the supernatural.  That is my impression reading the document and commentaries on it.

Monday, July 1, 2024

New Bible Mandate Oklahoma Schools

Per the superintendent.  The one fighting Wokism in Oklahoma public schools.  Passed rules forbidding LGBTQ grooming behavior.  Now requires teachers to teach how the Bible influenced the formation of America, and have a Bible in every classroom, or risk losing their teaching license.  Follows recent rule to also post ten commandment’s in every classroom.  

Brave man. I support these rules 100%.  It might be the WASP version of the Christian roots of this nation, which is to a certain degree Masonic, and the King James version of the Bible, but at least the kids will learn something about the Bible, and the Bible will a part of public education.

St. Augustine taught there is the City of God vs. the City of Man. This goes beyond the institutional Church but into society as well.  Life directed to God and His laws vs life directed to man and man’s laws.  Religion vs. secularism. Good vs. evil. Today, conservative Christian culture, what little is left of it, vs. liberal secularist culture. A culture war of anti-Christian ideologies vs. divine Revelation.  We keep fighting the spiritual and moral war for our nation.  We don’t back down.  We lift high the Bible and the cross. Come what may. 

Monday, June 24, 2024

Traditionalist Scruples

I’ve had lately these moments of doubt about my traditionalist views.  I hesitated to defend Archbishop Vigano.  I paused for a second before writing phrases like “the errors of Vatican II,” or “the modernists have a stronghold in virtually every chancery..” 

I say “there is an ape of the Church everywhere within its structure eclipsing the true Church.”  And then later I think about all the people who read my views, that what I say has to be true and in accord with the Faith, if not I will be punished by God.  

But then I re-consider what I wrote, and my intentions, and what I’ve learned about the Church since coming to Tradition, above and beyond what I learned growing up Catholic in the Novus Ordo rite. It would be wrong, untruthful, and scrupulous to seriously doubt what I now know to be true. 

It would be against right reason, Catholic truth, and the deposit of Faith.  There is no denying or hiding or being silent for an irrational fear of sin that the Church is facing a war within itself between itself and the modernists.  That the modernists largely have the seats of power, and orthodox Catholics are left in the shadows, like a kind of underground Church.  

There is no sin in defending Vigano, the Faith from the conciliar errors, or resisting the Novus Ordo, and rejecting the new religion that does in fact exist.  God will judge us in everything we say or do, including this blog post and every post I’ve written.  God knows there have been moments my conscience regretted certain choices of words, but He also knows that I am professing and defending the Catholic Faith publicly as my confirmation commands me to do.  

If I am presented with the Catholic Faith vs. a counterfeit version of it, even if that counterfit is embraced by bishops and priests worldwide, I profess the true Faith and reject the false faith they are presenting. And because so few understand that this is the reality, given my own formation in the Faith, philosophical and theological training, and ability to write, I remain steadfast to this little hobby and apostolate. 

If I abandoned it out of scruples, given the gift of the Faith God has given me, during an age of disbelief and apostasy, that would be wrong. So I continue. 

Saturday, June 22, 2024

God is in Control. A Backpacking Miracle.

I have to confess one of my weaknesses has always been worrying, or anxious thoughts about the future. I think it started around age 3.  I think the cause was partly hereditary but partly environmental.  I learned to cope with stress by worrying sometimes. My dad was 45 when I was born and prematurely greying, which led to me sometimes fear he might die prematurely which was a somewhat irrational fear for a kid to be carrying around.  This is still a weakness I’m trying to overcome, which is to a great extent behind my current health crisis, such that by writing this post I hope to advance in this.  

Anyway, flash forward to age 40.  I had lost a lot of weight in part motivated by the worry that if I didn’t I could face serious health problems.  I had exercised and followed a strict diet for over a year.  Part of my motivation was to get back into backpacking once I reached a certain weight, which I did.

We went out and bought new backpacks and gear and I planned out in detail our two day, one night backpacking trip on the Butterfield trail in Devil’s Den State Park in northwest Arkansas.  I was very excited about it, but still too consumed with my weight loss efforts.  

The Butterfield trail is about 14 miles long, which calculates to roughly 25,000 steps.  On the last day, the last several miles were grueling to the point I was in a kind of daze pushing myself to the end of the trail.  I was exhausted and in hindsight still not in shape to do that trail, but I did.

On the VERY last step, the 25,000th step, as my foot stepped off the trail at its exact end, the sole of one of my boots came off completely.  Those boots had held up for over 20 years.  I had come prepared with all sorts of gear, but nothing to repair a boot sole.  I walked across the park parking lot and sat in some shade at a picnic table pondering this.

It occurred to me if the sole had come off anywhere along the trail, say half way the night before, or even the last mile, it would have been extremely difficult to walk on that foot up and down that rocky trail without a sole.  I would have been in a pickle. But the fact it came off the very last step of the trail occurred to me it was a miracle. After all those years wearing those boots, and not only for backpacking and hiking, after 25,000 steps on that trail, it came off at that most opportune time. 

I paused and thanked God, asking for insight to this miracle.  What He communicated to me was not only that He took mercy on me so I could have full use of the boots to complete the trip, but I also had an overwhelming sense He was laughing at me in a light-hearted way, as if to say I had worried too much about my health and losing enough weight to complete that trip.  From that I also took away that this is something I need to work on, but generally most of the time not a sin but a fault or weakness, given the sense God was being light-hearted with this miracle. The boot sole didn’t just come loose on its own.  God Himself intervened and caused the sole to fall off the boot at that precise moment. The odds are just too infinitesimally low to think this was just a coincidence.  

God knows many times since then I’ve had trials in which I succumbed to worry, including my present trial.  My challenge is to always remember God is in control over everything, His Providence is omnipotent, omniscient, and perfect, such that there is no purpose in worrying.  I pray God eradicates this fault in me once and for all.  

And I’m sure you the reader have also witnessed the supernatural Providence of God intervene to help you yourself overcome vice and grow in virtue.  He is in control. 

Friday, June 21, 2024

Vigano Represents The Target of FrancisChurch

Vigano’s Vatican trial and outcome isn’t really about Vigano.  It is about the traditional Catholic Faith, traditional Catholics, and the remnant Church.  We are opposed to the St Gallen Mafia’s agenda to elect and use Bergoglio to stamp out once and for all what is left of the true Faith within the Vatican and chancery structures.  

And by FrancisChurch I mean those modernists using this pontificate to push their agenda. 

Regardless whether or not Pope Francis validly received the papacy or not, or if it’s right for Vigano to pass judgment, he has simply become the most visual symbol of this resistance to their agenda, even more so than the SSPX bishops, including Bishop Williamson.  Despite any of his flaws, Vigano is the one prelate most representing this resistance to FrancisChurch, and preserving the Faith contrary to its agenda.  

Whether you go to a diocesan TLM, the FSSP, the SSPX, or a sedevacantist Mass, this is the reality, and why we must get behind Vigano in defense of the true Faith.  How the Vatican partisans of the new religion treated Archbishop Lefebvre was the same as they are now treating Archbishop Vigano.  

While there are obvious differences, the conciliar church in 2024 is even much more of the anti-Christ than it was at the time of Lefebvre, who called Paul VI a kind of anti-Christ, saying Rome had fallen into apostasy, and even at some point calling into question if John Paul II was a valid pope.  And John Paul II was like a Pius X compared to Francis.  So it isn’t really about Lefebvre against JPII, or Vigano against Francis, it is about the True Church against a schismatic and heretical facade of the Church, an ape of the Church, that has in fact made its stronghold within the Vatican and practically every chancery.  

We get bogged down by personalities and the latest controversies, wondering how Pope Francis can outlaw the true Mass, when the reality is we have two religions and two versions of the Church.  One is the Catholic Church.  The other is a false church, and those overseeing this false church who are consciously professing and practicing modernism and liberalism, already condemned heresies, then they are at least in material schism from us, from the traditional Church.   

They will no longer tolerate us.  Their agenda, that is the modernists, is to wipe us out, abolish the old Mass, cancel faithful bishops and priests, and soon enough censure faithful lay Catholic bloggers and podcasters.  We and Catholics who engage the Catholic blogosphere are essential because almost no bishops and priests, including traditional clerics saying approved TLMs, are speaking out, because, even if they wanted to, they risk getting cancelled.  So if the modernists in the Vatican crack down on us bloggers with a document, so be it.  

If I ever get an email from my Bishop to shut down the blog, which canon law allows Catholics to do to speak or write their concerns and opinions publicly and to profess the Faith publicly, for speaking out against the false church, I would defend my rights.  It would be silencing the remnant Church which requires the laity to stand up publicly as I am doing here.  As all the other traditionalist bloggers and podcasters, and online media, supported by traditional bishops and priests already.  

I stand with Archbishop Vigano just as I stand with Archbishop Lefebvre, because I stand for the traditional Catholic Faith, and in opposition to the new religion of modernism that has practically taken over the Vatican and chancery structures, leaving us like the true Catholics during the time of Arianism practically without the churches, but with the true Faith.  We will not accept the false teaching that an individual has a natural right to publicly profess a false religion, or that God formally uses Protestant and Orthodox churches, or any religion, to save souls, or that the hierarchical Church can be reduced to a quasi-Synodal democracy, or that the Mass can be said like a secularized Protestant service.  

There already is a kind of schism inside the Church between Catholics and the modernist establishment, since Vatican II.  It is just that under this pontificate, that schism is playing out even more clearly considering what has lately been coming out of the Vatican, and the agenda to shut down once and for all traditional Catholicism.  And by “traditional Catholicism” I’m not talking specifically about Catholicism in the 1950’s, but Catholicism of 2000 years vs the ape of the Church that is eclipsing the true Church, as the moon would eclipse the sun.  So when they accuse Vigano of schism, generally speaking they are pointing that finger at us.  There IS a schism. And we are on the right side, while the modernists and liberals are the real schism.  We pray for their conversion, but will not back down publicly professing and defending the Faith. And if it comes to it, continuing on as the underground Church. 

Thursday, June 20, 2024

Archbishop Vigano Facing Vatican Trial Today

He’s charged with denying the papacy of Pope Francis, breaking communion with him, and rejecting Vatican II.  We can expect he will soon be excommunicated.  Before then, he has a right to put Pope Francis and the St. Gallen Mafia on trial as part of his defense for concluding Bergoglio was illegally and invalidly elected.  

Include evidence Pope Francis knew about McCarick before rehabilitating and promoting him, to show the judges why obviously in part he is being charged. Extend the trial with canon lawyers to bring forth the information to expose why he thinks the papal election was invalid based on a leftist agenda.  Expose FrancisChurch in the trial, and expose what comes out in Vatican court online and to the press. Expose their agenda that goes back to before 2013.  

Despite Vigano’s vitriolic excesses recently, in my opinion concluding the election was invalid is not grounds for excommunication. Nor his stance on Vatican II which is essentially that of the SSPX. What comes out through this trial will hopefully expose even more clearly to the world the Rot that has attached itself to the papal office, especially since 2013.  Vigano’s contribution goes deeper than a traditionalist critique of the current state of the Church, but a direct expose by one of the top prelates of the Church of the St Gallen Mafia agenda.  

Blessed are the persecuted. Archbishop Vigano is one of the few bishops defending the Faith.  Despite any at times excesses in speech, let us get behind him no matter what the sentence is.  If he is excommunicated, no doubt it will be from the “conciliar church” of modernism, not the Catholic Church. The Holy Ghost will raise up Archbishop Vigano even more in the fight for the Faith, just as He did Archbishop Lefebvre. Catholic bloggers, let’s follow this. Traditional Catholic bishops (like Bishop Gracida who also thinks the 2013 election was invalid), priests, theologians, and scholars, please study and speak out on this. Soon we can expect diocesan TLMs to be banished, so Archbishop Vigano and the priests in his new society will be ever more important to provide the true Mass and true Faith.  

Monday, June 17, 2024

Latin Mass “Final Solution” Coming Soon

According to Rorate Caeli from Vatican insider sources.  RC was first to report Traditionis Custodes before it was dropped like a nuclear bomb on the Church.  The “final solution” is a reference to the Nazi “final solution” to exterminate the Jews.  Therefore we can expect soon Pope Francis will exterminate the Latin Mass once and for all. Remember, TC said the goal was to get Trads to bridge over to the Novus Ordo.  History repeats itself. After 1970, bishops acted to suppress the Latin Mass, and an underground movement was immediately formed.  

Thanks to RC for this warning, so we can be prepared when it hits, to not become traumatized like so many were after TC hit, but instead have immediate contingency plans to carry on in accord with canon law, moral theology, and the doctrine of the Faith. 

Once upon a time, Cardinal Ottaviani wrote to Mr. McFarland of Oklahoma City encouraging him to build a privately owned traditional chapel for the true Mass, which he did.  In Tulsa, the Latin Mass community began at a side altar with Fr. Spellman at the Augustinian St. Rita’s Chapel, then at a family’s garage chapel, then Masses at a hotel, then Archbishop Lefebvre blessing St. John Fisher Chapel in Broken Arrow.  Resistance to the new religion would continue in Tulsa at the SSPX chapel and then FSSP parish. Yet the SSPX left Tulsa, two diocesan TLMs have been established, yet the final solution is coming sooner if not later.

I’ve been a Catholic for 49 years, 25 going to the TLM, over 10 years to to the SSPX, and the majority of the rest to the FSSP.  Bishop Konderla supports the three TLM groups, plus Clear Creek, for pastoral reasons. I’ve seen no preference for Tradition. But he will obey the final solution when it comes.  No doubt in my mind that means no more TLM at Sts. Peter and Paul, or Holy Cross in Wagoner, and requiring FSSP and Clear Creek priests to say the Novus Ordo.  

The representative majority of Trads at the FSSP object on some level to the Novus Ordo and conciliar reform.  They adhere to Tradition while not adhering to the new religion that took over the Church after the Council.   A new religion that claims man has a moral right to false religion, approves participation in heretical worship, and is presently working on a new form of the papacy pleasing to Protestants.

We need to be prepared to go underground like the first traditionalists had to do long before any Latin Mass indult. Wherever you are.  That may mean getting quiet approval from the bishop to have Latin Masses in unofficial places. Bishops can suspend universal liturgical laws for pastoral reasons, as many already are post-TC.  Or that may mean relying on supplied jurisdiction. The Novus Ordo, while valid, is doctrinally deficient and an extreme act of imprudence rupturing the Roman rite from its Tradition.  And Catholics have a right to the ancient and venerable rite of that particular Rite to which they belong   Roman Rite Catholics have a right to the ancient and venerable Roman rite as finally codified by Pope St. Pius V.  Even more than their particular Rite, Catholics have a right to a liturgy that does not contradict the theology of the Mass as taught by the Council of Trent, that does not blur the truth of the propitiatory sacrifice (see Ottaviani intervention).  

I pray Pope Francis doesn’t do this, but expect he will.  The next Pope may end up too nice to implement “the final solution,” so I expect the modernists, who Pope Francis himself has said he must follow, to try and suppress the main practice of traditional Catholicism under him. 

Remember the Latin Mass is not a mere preference, but something that we must maintain to maintain the Faith.  The Latin Mass represents the true Faith, whereas the modernists use the Novus Ordo to represent the new religion of modernism.  

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Thoughts on Fr. Malachi Martin

The first time I ever heard of Fr. Malachi Martin (RIP), I was sitting in a living room in Madison, WI, where I worked for a year after college for a pro-life organization, listening to the late Fr. Charles Fiore (RIP), a Dominican priest who joined the FSSP. He was telling an FSSP seminarian, who was about to travel to meet Fr. Martin, and our group, about how Pope John Paul II had secretly commissioned him, Fr. Alfred Kunz (RIP) a priest of the diocese of Madison who also said the TLM, and Fr. Martin to conduct a secret investigation into the literal satanic underworld of pediphile priests in the Diocese of Chicago.  It was all fascinating and horrifying at the same time. 

Years later, after coming to Tradition, a friend would lend me Fr. Martin’s book WINDSWEPT HOUSE, an eye opener into the forces of evil in the Vatican since the Council.  

Fr. Malachi Martin was, in my opinion, one of the best witnesses to the Crisis in the Church, due to personal holiness, his gigantic intellect, and being a Vatican insider.  The fact he was formerly in the progressive reform camp actually at the Council, but later having a conversion of heart towards the traditionalist position, for me makes him an even more reliable analyst.  

At the same time, he is not without controversy.  In fact he was a sensational person in the Church.  Unwilling to compromise to the liberalism of the Jesuits or of any diocesan bishop, JPII gave him permission to leave the Jesuits and live publicly as a layman, while privately saying Mass (the TLM), performing exorcisms, and writing Catholic  books.  He went by Dr. or Mr. Martin, while remaining a non-laicized priest in good standing. 

His talks with Art Bell were riveting, while at times sounding like fantasy about the end times.  His talk with William F. Buckley was excellent. It was said JPII consecrated him a bishop in secret to go behind the iron curtain and secretly consecrate new Catholic bishops.  But he was accused of having an affair with a married woman, which he denied. In my opinion, the evidence and his credibility demonstrates his innocence with moral certainty. That said, even if it were true, I would also conclude with moral certainty it was a brief moment of passion in the life of a red-blooded man.  Not excusable, but hardly cause to write off his contribution. But again, I’m certain of his innocence in that matter. 

His greatest contribution was to understanding the Crisis in the Church.  Fr. Martin described how the Masons and outright Satanists from within the actual Catholic hierarchy had transformed all the structures within  the Church to advance their goal of a new, New World Ordo version of the Church, by means of the Council.  Also, because he was one of a privileged few allowed by the pope to read the full secret of Fatima, in the Vatican, we know in part at least that it speaks of the great apostasy resulting in a great chastisement.  

Steve Bannon. Political Prisoner. Going to Prison.

He goes in next month to a federal prison, for four months, for a misdemeanor.  For not testifying before the Communist J6 committee. On the advise of his attorney doing so would violate the law. About executive privilege.  Targeted by Biden’s DOJ for his alliance with President Trump.  Tells Tucker he is not afraid of prison. Plans a strict daily schedule of the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius, writing, and keeping in contact with his team.  A traditional Catholic who goes to the TLM. A Catholic hero in my book.  Mr. Bannon, keep fighting the good fight. Your unjust presence in prison will only unite the MAGA patriotic movement even more. 

Health Update

Please keep my ongoing recovery in your prayers.  Had a kind of relapse of symptoms the last month, but thanks be to God it’s lifting. I’m resigned to this one day at a time. God’s will be done.  If you’re going through any kind of health crisis, strive every moment of the day to trust in God, offer your discomforts, honor your body as a Temple of the Holy Ghost, and never give up.  Keep getting good sleep, good nutrition, good physical activity, and good moral support. Life is over in the blink of an eye. How we deal with our crosses determines our eternity. I am still learning these lessons daily.