Per the superintendent. The one fighting Wokism in Oklahoma public schools. Passed rules forbidding LGBTQ grooming behavior. Now requires teachers to teach how the Bible influenced the formation of America, and have a Bible in every classroom, or risk losing their teaching license. Follows recent rule to also post ten commandment’s in every classroom.
Brave man. I support these rules 100%. It might be the WASP version of the Christian roots of this nation, which is to a certain degree Masonic, and the King James version of the Bible, but at least the kids will learn something about the Bible, and the Bible will a part of public education.
St. Augustine taught there is the City of God vs. the City of Man. This goes beyond the institutional Church but into society as well. Life directed to God and His laws vs life directed to man and man’s laws. Religion vs. secularism. Good vs. evil. Today, conservative Christian culture, what little is left of it, vs. liberal secularist culture. A culture war of anti-Christian ideologies vs. divine Revelation. We keep fighting the spiritual and moral war for our nation. We don’t back down. We lift high the Bible and the cross. Come what may.