Sunday, June 11, 2023

Jordan Peterson Asks What is the End Game for the Ukraine War. My Thoughts.

Jordan Peterson, in one of his podcasts interviewing a member of Congress, kept raising the question as to what is the clear desired outcome for the US and NATO for the war with Russia in Ukraine.  What is the end game on paper exactly?

The conservative Congressman, who is in the minority opposed to this war, still, I thought, gave a rather milquetoast answer that the purpose is to curb the unjust expanse of power of Putin/Russia in Eastern Europe.  Still Peterson appeared baffled and incredulous wanting more. 

I respect Jordan Peterson’s opinions generally and insights into the state of modern man.  So I was not surprised that he shares my own point of view opposing the war that is also shared in the Catholic world by figures like traditionalist Archbishop Vigano or Michael Matt of the Remnant Catholic newspaper.  

And by paleo-conservative and anti-neocon figures like Ron Paul or Colonel McGregor.  People who for having exposed the false western narrative on the Ukraine war have been categorized one-sidedly as Putin-worshippers. 

But I can answer Peterson’s question, not with any great detailed knowledge of geopolitics or prophetic prognostications, but from common sense, a bird’s eye view of the unfolding of world events, and the guiding lights I mentioned above.  Especially Archbishop Vigano. 

The number one goal is for western elites, a tiny tiny group, to increase their power and wealth exponentially through war. 

Second, to overturn the Russian regime, dismantle Russia, and turn it into a liberal pro-West nation. 

Third, to suck the economic life out of Russia in terms of oil and natural gas. 

Fourth, to end any conservative, religious resistance to western decadence and liberalism so all of Europe west and east rejects the traditional spiritual and moral order represented by the Church.

Fifth, replace it with a purely materialist, secular world order whose values they determine. 

Sixth, to this end they do not want to bring the war to an end soon with victory over Russia.  They, the deep state, want to provoke Russia and escalate this into world war. 

Seventh, and then by means of world war/nuclear exchange to reduce down the population, and create a global totalitarian one world government by which they will rule the world. 

THAT is their goal for this war.  And as Peterson tends to point out, often what the masses call a conspiracy theory is really a fact when you study the subject closer.  This is not a conspiracy theory.  That vision has already been articulated by the elites and exposed.

It is then deduction itself that shows this will end in world war and that they intend this.   One, Putin or his successor will never surrender in Ukraine or allow Russia to align to the West.  Two, the West will never back down on Russia.  Three, the momentum of this war will therefore necessarily lead to direct war between Russia and its allies vs the US and NATO nations.  

Fourth, yet the elites know this.  They have the power to stop this, but they choose not to, because they planned this war.  By escalating this day after day, it necessarily follows that they therefore intend world war.  Fifth, they’ve already given out their secret plans in the Great Reset program coming out of the World Economic Forum which includes a new world government in which they appoint themselves rulers of mankind.  Those are established facts not conspiracy theory. 

And I suspect Jordan Peterson either knows this is the real goal of the war, or is already exploring that line of thought. 

When one side sends a train straight down a track to derail the enemy’s train, and neither train is stopping, it is not a prophesy but common sense they will collide.  

But that is as far as my eye can see.  Who knows when WWIII (which Peterson stated he believes has already begun in reality) will become official, when the nukes will fly, if God will intervene to stop this, or will the destruction of a large part of mankind.  

He promised to Noah He would never again destroy all of humanity, save one family, but according to traditionalist Bishop Wiliamson that does not mean there won’t be another destruction of most of humanity or on a larger, more severe scale considering the much larger size of today’s population and how much we are rebelling against God.   It would not violate that promise to Noah if say God willed a few billion to die in a nuclear war, but not all seven billion alive today. But far more death than during the Great Flood. 

What I would encourage Peterson to do is to study Catholic End Times prophesies, especially of the Marian apparitions at Fatima, Akita, etc that point to a Great Chastisement falling down on mankind for the great sins of the modern age.  Even before he should believe in the supernatural reality of those events, they are prophetic even from a moral and psychological point of view.  

I would also encourage him to study the Catholic Faith more closely with his Catholic wife who is now praying the daily rosary thanks to listening to Bishop Barron, to seek faith and belief in God.  To challenge himself to go beyond his own rigoristic rationalism and explore mystical explanations.

There is no way to understand the current conflicts on the global stage without the spiritual view articulated in the Bible, which Peterson devotes much of his talks about.  

The history of mankind, like with most any individual sinner, is one of man departing from the ways of God into darkness and evil to the point God’s justice brings man back to Him through chastisements.  Which most people, and I confess that includes myself, deserve, and should accept to bring us close to God.