Saturday, June 10, 2023

My Catholic Nurse on Visiting the Body of Sister Wilhelmina

Two days ago I had to go in for the treat of an endoscopy and colonoscopy, my first.  I was a bit nervous having to be put to sleep for the better part of an hour and not knowing the results the doctor would tell me when I wake up from the procedure. Rest assured, the results showed nothing serious. Deo gratias. 

So it was a welcome comfort lying there nervously on the gurney staring up at the ceiling in prayer waiting to be brought into the procedure room when a nice, middle-aged nurse came up to me to start the IV very visibly wearing a crucifix and miraculous medal.  I thought that was providential. 

So we talked about the Faith. I brought up and discussed the Traditional Mass, which she showed interest in having attended before, and then she brought up the recent phenomenon up in Missouri of Sister Mary Wilhelmina‘s (RIP) body being apparently incorrupt.  What she told me was further confirmation this is a miracle.  

She said she and her husband drove up to Missouri and paid their respect to Sister’s body.  She observed two remarkable things, she told me.  

First, her body had zero bad odor.  This was after four years since dying and her body not being embalmed. 

Second, when the nurse touched her body her musculature had normal consistency pushing into it like that of a live person.  

Only hours after a person passes away, their muscles tighten into a state called rigor mortis.   Sister Wilhelmina, as observed by this nurse, had NO rigor mortis

And I believe her account. She talked very devoutly and humbly about it.  And then walking away to another patient she told me she’d say a couple Hail Mary’s for my procedure…in Latin.  

While she is not a doctor nor forensic scientist, this testimony to me of an obviously devout Catholic, a registered nurse, RN, is authentic and from a medical authority.  

I don’t know with scientific certainty that the good Sister’s body is miraculously incorrupt and that she is a saint, but considering all the facts so far my intuition is telling me it is true. 

At any rate, I see this as cause to start praying to Sister Mary Wilhelmina for intercession especially if you have critical need.  And if there may be a miracle after praying, to report that back to her Diocese and Order.  It is a cause for hope God uses souls like hers to come to the assistance of those in need. 

Sister Mary Wilhelmina, whether you are a saint in heaven, or one of the holy souls in purgatory, pray for us.