Tuesday, June 13, 2023

Why Stay Loyal to Trump. A Response to Chris Christie.

Chris Christie is running again for president.  I’m not a big fan, but he’s respectable enough to listen to, being in the conservative camp and a practicing Catholic.  

At a town hall meeting he said he doesn’t understand conservatives who are still going all in with Trump. He says that people voted for Trump in 2016 and 2020 simply because he was the better choice in the general election vs. Hillary or Biden.  

What he says is true about the general election except back then we chose Trump out of many candidates in the primaries after everyone in the GOP laughed off Trump as impossible to win. But he won.  Chris Christie himself ran in the primaries in 2015 and dropped out when his numbers were very low.  People picked Trump over him and all the candidates. So that claim is incorrect, he was the People's choice, at least back then.

Trump's Stage Entrance

As 2016 GOP Primary Winner

In the upcoming primary Republicans have again a range of candidates from which to choose that are, according to him, much higher in caliber than Trump, and more likely to beat Biden.  Christie is now very vocal appealing to conservatives to abandon Trump for a more realistic candidate, in his view. 

It’s a worthy question to consider, why stay loyal to Trump still after all these years. When evidence suggests Trump was cheating on Melania back in 2006 with, let's just say, someone involved in the pornography industry, and paid her hush money in 2016.  So I have to remind myself why all along have I been a Trumper, and why I should remain so. 

Before Trump came down that escalator, I did not have a good opinion of him.  I thought of him as a very vain man of the world, and a liberal Democrat.  The first remains true, but not the second.  I still see his flaws in his personal life, but I now highly admire him for his presidency and leadership.

I would say to Chris Christie, and those with the same view about Trump, it is not about Trump himself.  Yes Trump is highly flawed.  For the sake of argument let’s say he is the least virtuous man from which we have to choose.  Maybe someone like DeSantis would objectively stand a better chance against Biden in the next general election, even if he is currently less popular in the polls with the most conservative wing of the Republican Party.   

That is IF our goal is simply another Republican White House.  That is IF we want to keep going along with how American government has been, towing the line, with nothing to radically change back to what the US once was, or should be, if we just keep supporting the main GOP leadership. 

"I Think He's Talking About Us"

Trumpers understood that the system is so broken it needed a radical change, or at least the possibility of that, the hope of that, from an outsider with the leverage to shake things up. Someone who will use his independence from the political machine and the legal authority of the office to stand up to the establishment in D.C., even to the point he himself may be targeted by the establishment as Trump is now being targeted. Someone willing to potentially suffer greatly putting themselves in that kind of position, which few would be willing to do.  

Imagine you have the money and freedom Trump has to self-fund a campaign but will become enemy # 1 by the establishment because of that.  You would be one person vs. the entire establishment. 

Since the last election, Trump is being persecuted for himself innocently and legally calling together a protest in D.C. on January 6th, 2021 to call for fraudulent votes not to be certified, but sent back to the state level for further investigation, to stop The Steal, to prevent a literal leftist coup.  

When things are so broken beyond repair, we need an absolute commitment to the political Ideal.  And that Ideal is not Trump himself in his person, but largely in his policies that Trumpers believe in.  The most conservative of Republicans in D.C. did not dare propose those policies or approaches the degree to which Trump has, for fear of being branded as radicals and not getting re-elected.  That’s because they’re career politicians whereas Trump is fulfilling his lifelong dream to be president after his career in real estate.  

I’ll give one example in one of his nationalist policies, his statement against engaging the Ukraine war with Russia.  He said he would withdraw all military support.  He speaks openly and frankly about the threat of nuclear war and the need to make pragmatic deals now with Putin in a way few if any politician is doing.  That alone puts him at odds with almost everyone in D.C., a.k.a. The Swamp.  If you think about it, if the war is still going on in 2024, Trump is saying he would get the US out of the war, which would make him enemy #1 right now to those at the highest levels of power who most want to continue the war.  

Trump was able to take his unique position because he was independently funded and not a slave to special interests.  We Trumpers gathering around Trump at his huge rallies all across the country always were drawn to that fact, despite his moral problems. People from all walks of life, some less conservative than others, there being a range of conservatism in the MAGA movement, but largely conservative and Christian. And populist, seeing the need for radical changes back to small, limited government, liberty, the rights of the family, nationalism, and preserving the family and what is left of Christian society.  The MAGA movement believes in placing faith and God back to the center of our culture.  This is why so many traditional Catholics and evangelical Protestants are part of the MAGA movement.

I didn’t see Trump so much artificially create the MAGA movement as being the one candidate poised as an accidental catalyst to bring us all together in this way. When he came down that escalator, started wearing the red MAGA hat, and organizing rallies, I doubt he foresaw what would organically come into existence.  His charisma and popular appeal was not in the end about him, but igniting a movement of traditional Christian patriotism and opposition to the leftist, secularist revolution that has overtaken our institutions. 

So if you ask us to consider another candidate, you’re asking us to dismantle this MAGA movement, the one organized opposition to the leftist revolution, besides the GOP which enables that revolution, in which Trump is the singular energy and symbolic head we need if any real change will ever occur.  DeSantis could have remained Trump’s successor in 2028 but he chose to run against Trump, so the torch will have to be passed to others down the line.  For now the torch is in Trump’s hands. 

You’re asking us to go back to the status quo back in 2016 and tow the line with the establishment.  If you cannot see that, then perhaps you never really got the MAGA movement since you ARE a part of the establishment, and you cannot see the critical need for this anti-establishment movement.  

Like Ron Paul's Movement at The Time

But Trump is not only a symbolic head, he deserves personal praise.  Despite his personal flaws, Trump stands out from the rest as a political hero.  He stood up to the media and GOP and won the 2016 nomination despite being persecuted from the beginning.  He was endlessly opposed by the media and sectors of government for four years as president. Then the Democrats and some enabling Republicans stole the 2020 election from him and gave it to Joe Biden.  They then projected insurrection onto him, while they were the ones really committing insurrection, going after him again and again and again.   

And why?  Because he is still running for president in 2024.  He continues to stand in the way of their plans. Had he bowed out silently, the persecution would have stopped.  He could carry on at Mar-a-Lago playing golf and quietly supporting politics from a distance. 

But Trump knowing this still chose the path of potential political martyrdom.  He knew they could come after him with indictments and that could land him in prison for years, or even for the rest of his life, in an 8’ x 7’ prison cell.  He knows that indicating he’ll make no deals with the prosecutors.  

But he continues to run for president.  It is surreal and dangerous.  He is literally putting his whole life on the line.  When all these criminal cases go to trial and he doesn’t make a deal to avoid prison (like drop out of the race), there is a good chance he’ll be found guilty and do some substantial prison time.  

And from what I’ve read, if re-elected he could not pardon himself.  I know Trump is in this in part because of his big ego.  His whole existence is based on the game of winning or losing, but his lawyers surely have advised him of the serious risks, yet he is clearly willing to risk going to prison before he would make a deal to drop out of the race.  He is running and putting his life on the line at least in part because he is a true patriot who cares about this country. But imagine he is still elected and runs the country from that 8’ x 7’ prison cell. 

For the sake of discussion, let’s say there is a 50% chance Trump wins the White House, and also a 50% chance he also goes to prison.  More or less.  Applying the statistical rule of multiplication, that’s a 25% chance he’s running the country from prison in two years.  As a victim of a political witch hunt. To stop the MAGA movement implementing Christian nationalistic policies contra those globalists working for a new New World Order. The fact that this is a good possibility alone indicates how significant is the MAGA movement in defending this nation from the radical Left now and into the future.   

They’re trying to stop Trump from being president under threat of going to prison. But they know they are really trying to stop the entire MAGA movement and conservatives.  They are committing political warfare against us on a scale I don’t think American politics has ever seen before. 

We are now dominated by totalitarians the way the thirteen colonies were dominated by an absolute monarch. We are now subject to radical leftists the way Russians became subject to the Bolsheviks.  Under those circumstances GOP leadership like Christie stand zero chance of undoing that oppressive system.  They would first have to share the belief of Trumpers that this is the condition in which we find ourselves. 

Therefore, let’s stay loyal to Trump and the MAGA movement, because on the human level there is little other hope in anything else that will carry the momentum forward in the years ahead.  The kind of momentum needed to restore the United States of America, or at least preserve what is left of it for those who still believe in its ideals.

On the supernatural level, may God help our country, and put President Trump back into the White House.