Tuesday, October 12, 2021

1984 Has Arrived

Often the movies I carefully choose to watch are relevant to current events, for reflection on a debated topic. So recently I re-watched the movie 1984, based on the George Orwell novel by the same name, in light of the Plandemic nuttiness. 

Adult supervision is advised, so I recommend previewing and skipping through a couple scenes involving sexual content that is found in the novel itself. 

One good thing about Amazon video, the database is so large it has many good options from which to choose.

“Big Brother”

From the Novel/Film 1984

It was in fact eerie yet illuminating seeing the parallels between the plot and theme of this story, and the current Globalist covid policies, in particular the Vax Mandates that are being rolled out everywhere, resulting in mass job walk outs, legal battles, and states like Texas, Arkansas, and Idaho laudably banning the Mandate.  

Get the Jab “or else” = potential loss of:  job, professional and social standing, paycheck, ability to support your family, to go to the grocery store, to travel, etc.

1984 indeed.  Orwellian being the fit description.  That is—resembling a Communist Dictatorship.

To explain my personal interest in this, I had gone a couple months ago to my family doc for my checkup, and they “strongly encouraged” me to get the Jab due to risk factors, giving a rather shallow response to my objective concerns.

The Main Character in 1984

This only compelled me since to research this Thing more closely, and I’ll tell you honestly I nearly made the decision to get it, after youngish people we know died recently in ICU of respiratory failure being covid positive, not to mention older people we know also dying secondary to covid. 

That is, until I had covid symptoms that prompted me last week to go down the street to urgent care and get tested (even though the test itself is somewhat unreliable), the urgent care doc setting me straight on the Jab. 

She is not recommending the Vax to anyone because a) in 1.5 years of treating covid symptoms in her clinic, and since the Vax came out, 50% of those patients were vaccinated, and 50% were not.  The Vax provides no clinically significant immunological protection across the population, according to her clinical experience, saying ICU docs she talked to have made the same statistical observation;

b) this Vax has far more serious adverse effects than any other vaccine before, again confirmed by what she sees daily in urgent care; 

c) the best strategy, she says, is to strengthen your immune system, especially with supplements like Vitamin C and Zinc (this last point confirmed she knew what she was talking about).

“Spot on, Okie Trad”

(By the way, that’s Dr. Andrew Weil, M.D.)

But I digress. Back to the movie 1984.  

Big Brother - that’s the main “new speak” term used throughout the film/book, that is central, totalitarian government and all organizations cooperating with it.

Propaganda comes across a screen to the masses, controlled by a nebulous, hidden group of thought leaders, telling us we must have absolute comformity to Big Brother, devoid of political dissent or freedom of speech or expression. 

The method is to create a fake perpetual war overseas, as a cause to unite the masses under Absolute Government, which the population is required to believe is the central threat to their very existence; that is those who doubt this propaganda (like the main character) are the real enemies of the state. 

Punishment?  Psychological gas-lighting to the extreme, making the dissenter an object of hatred, their life threatened by Big Brother.

The collective is called Oceania, ruled by The Party.  The language of the collective is “newspeak.”  The “thought police” ensure total conformity of political thought and therefore political action.  “Double think” is their method, a psychological tool of propaganda that controls the individual to simultaneously hold a false proposition to be true (the example given being “2 + 2 = 5”), while knowing the opposite proposition to be the factually true one (“2 + 2 = 4”). 

Rat Torture Device

Film 1984

Well, if this Plandemic situation doesn’t parallel this almost exactly, then I myself must be suffering from some kind of double think or cognitive dissonance.  

Either this is Totalitarianism, or it isn’t.

The fact that this is Totalitarianism is just as certain as the fact that 2 + 2 = 4.   And if Big Brother ever tries to torture me to death with rats released in a skull-enclosed cage, then so be it, the rats are just going to have to chew through my face and brains before I ever betray Truth, God, or my fellow man.

Here we have Big Brother in the form of Biden and Fauci, The Party being the DNC that usurped the federal government, newspeak being all the propaganda language behind the pro covid mandates (“stay safe,” “get vaccinated,” etc.), the big TV screen being social media and the major cable news networks giving us fake news about all things covid, the thought police being the censors over at Google, Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Oceania is in our world the Globalist Community (UN), and the perpetual fake war in Eurasia is instead a viral outbreak treated like a perpetual pandemic plague threatening the life of every man, woman, and child on Earth.  Indefinitely.

The similarity between what Orwell predicted and what has unfolded in the last year and half is too great not to conclude that this is Totalitarianism.

More on that subject in a philosophical essay discussing the Catholic form of true government (vs. Tyrranical government) in my next post, I’m hoping to post Sunday night.

Mont-St. Michel


A Symbol of Christendom, per Henry Adams

Keep fighting for freedom and truth my fellow Okie Trads and Beyond!  First and foremost by living a life that is true and free. 

Questions, comments, or to shoot me a friendly hello, I’m at:
