Thursday, October 14, 2021

The Plandemic Regime: Applying Principles of Catholic Political Thought, a Philosophical Essay


All things Covid…the universal Vax mandate…the unfolding of the Great Reset…the full throttle suppression of Traditional Catholicism, freedom, and what once was the Christian West—this present situation being so critical, I think it calls for a moment of repose to reflect philosophically about the very nature of society, government, and politics through the lens of the Catholic Church.  

And since the Catholic Church is rooted in Her Tradition, and Her philosophical and theological Tradition finds its summit in the writings of the Universal Doctor of the Church, St. Thomas Aquinas, and yet since St.Thomas’ thought itself is greatly influenced rightly by Aristotle and the whole Ancient, Greco-Roman tradition, then our main references will be Aristotle and St. Thomas.  

I refer you specifically to the content found in Aristotle’s Politics, in particular books I-III, St. Thomas’ commentary on that work, as well as his On Kingship.  It wouldn’t hurt either to have read The Popes Against Modern Errors, a collection of pre-conciliar papal encyclicals, many of which address the root problems of modern politics. 


I think many of us who would read a blog like this can agree by now that this political situation, the covid pandemic, is actually a global plan to create universal compliance with the New World Order, with atheistic, materialist Communism, which is a rejection of the rights of God, Christ the King, and His Church.  

This place on the historical timeline seems to be either simply a great chastisement as a means to eventually restore Christendom, or worse the actual End Times as foretold in the Book of the Apocalypse.

The latter seems morally certain to me at this point. 

The facts show that the present global regime is a combination of corrupt Oligarchy and practically speaking a near absolute Monarchial-like, emperial system, through a few elite family dynasties — Rockefeller’s, etc.  

God knows who the most powerful individual is among that relatively tiny elite, but logically there must be one man. 

None of this is conspiracy theory, by the way; any frank academic of political science will admit this present power structure exists.  

Review of Fundamental Principles of Christian Political Philosophy:

1. All society and government has its origins in the domestic home, the first society, which goes beyond itself to meet its needs forming with other families villages or small towns, and eventually the city. 

2. Subsidiarity, as taught by Popes in modern times (the ones who acted like Popes), rules over the local level.  That is, local rule takes priority unless a higher authority and intervention is strictly needed.  

3. The private good of individuals are ensured by commutative justice at the most local level in fair exchange, trade, and business.  

4. On the other hand, the higher common good of society, which is found in shared wisdom and virtue, the very nature of human happiness itself, is to be ensured by the constitution, government, and rule of law.  That higher social and political level corresponds to distributive justice, the subject being Society itself (since the whole is greater than the sum of its parts), and the object being the Common Good.  

Every citizen is obligated to give to Society its due.

5.  Government itself arising from a diversity found in nature and human nature, there being a natural hierarchy of abilities in human society, it follows then that there will always be some degree of democracy (rule by the many), aristocracy (rule by men of extraordinary wisdom and virtue) and monarchy (rule by one, there being different forms).  These are all naturally good forces, however you combine these three fundamental forms of rule in a necessarily hierarchical political system.

6.  Yet with our fallen nature, when a culture should morph into a state of selfishness, greed, and lust for power, those three tiers of power invariably devolve into mob rule, oligarchy (rule by a few, by means of power and wealth) and tyrannical dictatorship (devoid of royal dignity), respectively.

7.  Democracy itself could in theory work because the larger the number of people making political choices, such as voting, the higher the odds they are prudently right in their choice.  Yet there is one caveat in this:  the general public has to be at least generally, morally descent and rational, not morally depraved and animalistic as ours currently is, otherwise it will be anarchy.  Should Christian faith and morals ever by a miracle return front and center to our society, democracy might have a vital role to play.  

Current Situation:

On some level we already see mob rule, the unbridled democratic tier losing its dignity with the great weakening of the middle class, disdain for morality and traditional religion, and a “woke” rebellion against the traditional majority by the poor and minority groups. 

The elites control then the “democratic” mob by brainwashing them through media propaganda, to blindly revolt against those who represent the old republican order of subsidiarity, the middle class, citizenship, and Christian morals. 

The aim is to secure the welfare vote to perpetuate the false appearance that a democratic society has freely and legally voted in the Party, when in fact private globalist elites at the very highest levels are in control of that Party.

This is the current situation.  Since this last presidential election, we now have overtly, in-your-face voter fraud creating practically a Banana Republic, playing by the unwritten rules of the oligarchical elite, not aimed at wisdom and virtue, which is the goal of truly “aristocratic” statesmen, but rather total, global power and wealth for a small few. 

To this end, the Powers-that-Be have given us the illusion of a great global threat to all of humanity (a bad flu virus killing a tiny percentage), commanding conformity to a vaccine mandate/vaccine passports, which ensures entry to the workplace, grocery store, and airplane, so the global elites are able to tame the masses into total compliance with their agenda for continuous total power.  


Well, “the truth will set you free,” yes?  That proverb is straight from St. Paul.  Catholics should study traditional Catholic teaching on politics and economics, and apply the principles in their daily lives and at the local level.

It begins in the home, with marriage, the first government, a royal relationship between husband—who Aristotle says is the king of the home—and his wife who must be subject to him, but in a royal, free manner like that of queen to king.  

In contrast, the role of parent to child is, says Aristotle (and the Church), one of strict command/obedience like that of master to slave, but with dignity and respect.  

The ultimate goal is for each member of the family to develop wisdom and virtue, not just the private good of the father (who would turn himself into a dictator), or the mother, or the child, but a common good in the home where everyone shares in what makes us truly, ultimately happy.

Dr. John Senior underlined the need to restore first the home as the answer to an age of anti-Christ, in his book The Restoration of Christian Culture.  He suggests minimizing technology in the home, especially the TV screen, emphasizing instead all things natural, classical reading, arts and crafts, making your own music, and customs revolving around the Liturgical Year.  

He also went so far as to advocate for what is now called “The Benedict Option” of organically forming Catholic communities like you see near Clear Creek Abbey in northeastern Oklahoma, or in the town of St. Mary’s, KS (Senior is buried here) where thousands of traditional Catholics have moved to be near Assumption Chapel/School, a Priory of the Society of St. Pius X, and Convent of Society teaching Sisters.

But I digress.  The first thing we can do is put our homes in order, religiously, spiritually, and culturally, and have a proper political order in our own private lives, and even within our own individual souls, the kind of order that eventually would lead to order in the local community, city, nation, and in government itself.  Or at least to bear witness by our example, if these are indeed the Last Days.

In summary, our current dystopic society is ruled over by a global coalition of extremely corrupt oligarchs, obsessed with acquiring wealth and power.  It is a Luciferean regime. The common good, citizenship, constitutional law, subsidiarity, the philosophical role of monarchy and aristocracy, even true democracy itself, all now tossed on the fire.

However, if Christ is in Truth to rule as King over every nation and government, and if our obligation is to promote this until His Second Coming, and if every just city-state or nation-state ultimately comes into existence firstly by way of an unfolding social process based in Nature, beginning in the home, then that is where restoration must begin.  What other choice do we have?

All praise be to Jesus Christ, our a King.

Questions, comments, constructive feedback, shoot me an email at: