Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Brrrr its Cold in Oklahoma

So a big north bound storm came from the Gulf of Mexico this week, with record-breaking subzero temps and a couple waves of snow, after a wave of ice.  Which leaves me this mid-February evening sitting in my Okie Armchair wrapped up in winter apparel, surrounded by two space heaters for supplemental heat, and covered by a 3 inch thick down comforter.  And sipping Whiskey-sodas to up  my internal body temp.

Seems a fitting penance this Fat Tuesday, Lent beginning tomorrow.

After all, since we Americans have done proportionally little in response to 100 million babies being murdered by their public school brain-washed mothers, we deserve Chastisement.   This winter crisis in Oklahoma being miniscule in comparison to the fact we are all now slaves of the Communists States of America, readying ourselves for the next wave of covid-induced economic fallout.

We deserve this.  There is no excuse for our complacency to this pro-abortion, pro-sodomy culture.