This is up there with the Pachamama worship in the Vatican. There is a reason homosexuals have officially never been allowed in the seminary or to become priests, and that is because you must be free of serious mental illness, in particular of a sexual kind, that orients you objectively to unnatural and perverse acts. It is no different in that regard to allowing a known pedophile into the seminary. Even if the person is able to be celibate, they are still oriented to perverse acts. And consider that most cases of priests molesting children, the incidence of which has exploded since Vatican II, involves a homosexual male molesting a male. This is an act of Pope Francis, and ranks up there with his other errors. The popesplainers would label us as dissenters and disobedient for criticizing this decision by the pope, but it does not fall under papal infallibility, and it contradicts the constant tradition of the Church. This will only confuse Catholics even more what they are to believe. And canon law # 212 allows us to raise our objections and concerns. That is our duty. Lord have mercy on us. So be it. God will restore the Church one day. Life goes on. Better to focus on the brightness of the sun above, than the black abyss below.