God willing. If this life is but a test run for the next life, then each day counts towards that end, and I hope the last 24 hours translates one day to a higher place in heaven, or just making sure I eventually make it through the Pearly Gates.
I am feeling better this week, relative to the last couple of weeks, my GI upset having subsided. So I’m well enough to climb into the car and take my wife to work, for her evening shifts.
Last night I got in bed around 9 pm with the dogs curled up watching videos until probably midnight when I was finally able to fall asleep, a common experience. My left leg was rather flared up in pain more than the right leg, which meant a lot of repositioning and reframing my mind to relax enough to fall asleep.
Due to a now typically very restless night of sleep on my end, the wife took an Uber home. I ended up getting a decent total hours of sleep but only because I stayed in bed past noon to get those hours of unconscious rest.
At 1 pm I had a video conference with a social worker for the first time, reviewing my condition and starting the process applying for disability and food stamps. Still hoping and praying for recovery, but if it is God’s will I can’t work long term. Then I’ve recently learned you want to get the application for disability started asap in case you are determined in the end to really be disabled, because backpay goes back to the day you apply. Doing this is extremely humbling for me to start, as I absolutely do not want to be disabled and unable to work, let alone depend on a now socialist government for my life. But my wife depends on me and needs this help as much as I do, to relieve the present burden on her, so I swallow my pride.
I spent the rest of the afternoon watching TV as I still feel too tired to go back to the gym, but hopefully soon. Then took the wife to work. To bed early again with 10 mg melatonin.
Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner.