This war seems to confirm we are in the End Times, a period when the anti-Christ rises up to restore Israel and rebuild the temple. I don’t pretend to understand how the biblical, apocalyptic dimension of this war is playing out, but that dimension seems obvious.
Do the Jews have a right to Israel, the Promised Land? I’m not clear on that. As a nationalist, it would seem that a people with a common religion, language, and culture occupying a region for thousands of years, constituting what we call today a nation, has a right to occupy and rule over that geographical place. And since so-called Palestine is part of Israel, then it would follow that the Jews/Israel still have a political right over it.
That said, Israel was that land promised the Jews for keeping their covenant with God, but they ended that covenant forever when they rejected Christ the Messiah, so it would seem they no longer have a spiritual right over the Holy Land. They are no longer the Chosen People of God. They once were, but they are no longer.
But as an ethnic group, they still have political rights to their nation, which includes Palestine, so if I have to pick sides, I’d side with the Jews. I’d side with even secularist Jews over radical, fundamentalist Muslims waging war with them, trying to violate their sovereignty. Despite the Jews rejecting the Messiah,
But I don’t have to pick sides. I’m not in the pro-Israel, Zionist camp. They are just the lesser of two evils in this war, so I don’t stand with them. It would seem God is allowing this war as a chastisement for rejecting Christ, and embracing liberalism and the New World Order.
That said, we now have a second hot war that can escalate the world to World War III. The US and Israel are allies with Ukraine, as Russia and China are allies with Iran. Perhaps it was providential before my illness that we became preppers after the war in Ukraine broke out, now being somewhat prepared with long term food, etc. If you haven’t already, I encourage you to prep asap.
Anyway, that’s about as far as my interest in this war will go. It is all too much for me right now to listen to, except to know the basics of what is going on and to pray, do penance that there will be peace in the world. And that the Jews will in the end be converted, as the Bible teaches will happen in the End Times, which I believe we are in.
We should be afraid right now of starting a war between the US and Iran, if we become too involved in aiding Israel as we are Ukraine against Russia. Iran hates the US so much that in moral principal it feels justified in annihilating us, which some experts believe they are capable of and poised to do by detonating an EMP over the US sending us instantly back to the Stone Age.
Lord have mercy on us.