Friday, September 23, 2022

Where Will You Live?

So where will you live when the excrement hits the fan?  When we all get rounded up to live in megacities, neutered, robbed of our free will, and assigned to our living pods where we live, work, and die a premature death of cardiovascular illness and dementia?  Because folks, it's coming.

I was watching a sermon by a Novus Ordo Rite priest the other day, who seemed tradition-minded and conservative, begging his congregation to up their spiritual life and to start preparing materially for the digital dollar system coming soon, where we will all be forced into communism by a social credit system.

It wasn't conspiracy theory, it is in an executive order by His Trans-human Lordshiip Joe Biden last March, ordering a panel to study the Digital Dollar, and then to, if they think it's feasible (they already do), to recommend it to Congress for approval NEXT MONTH, October.  They're rolling out the same system used in China, behind our backs, and then will brainwash the masses into thinking it's  just the latest reform.

But it will be just another prefigurement of the Mark of the Beast.  Something connected to your body, you must accept and conform to, without which you cannot live, because you will not be able "buy and sell."  It is just a matter of time before we are pressured to have an implant that links up to our bank account, with only digital dollars (not something you can take out of an ATM as real, physical currency) that are monitored and controlled by Big Brother.  It's coming.

Check out this painting, which when I saw it the first time I found it to be prophetic, which raised the question "Where will I live in this dystopic future?"  Which of these two societies will I conform to, and make my home for me and mine until I die?  Which group are you orienting your life to?

Let's observe two groups in the picture:  group A are the city dwellers, group B are those living a more traditional, "primitive" life.  Let's talk about both groups.

Group A, the city dwellers.  In this group, people will be practical atheists, materialists, and statists, the three marks of communism.  They will have effectively become communists.  They will have absorbed the "errors of Russia" talked about by Our Lady of Fatima, that is the errors of Marx, Lenin, and Stalin.   You will not be married, you will be sterilized, or at most have one or two children, whose values are determined entirely by the State through state schools.  You will not have a gender, or even be a human being.  You will be whatever the State tells you that you can or should be, a gender neutral robot without a soul, personality, not thinking or choosing for yourself.  You will be melded into technology, the internet, a virtual reality world.  You will own nothing, and equate happiness with pure pleasure and the minimization of pain.  Nature will be an abstract concept experienced online, with the annual permit by the City to visit federal parks.  You will only eat genetically-modified plant-based food, grown in literal food factories, rationed by the State as a food allowance, not allowed to grow any of your own food, or practice any level of self-sufficiency or local community life.  You will be a Borg. You will not be happy, but will be a lifeless automaton full of existential despair.

Is that what you want?

Group B, the villagers, and homesteaders.   This group is religious, spiritual, theistic, predominantly Christian, retaining customs of Judeo-Christian, Western civilization.  Should you choose to live outside of the urban collective, you will be deemed an enemy of the State, at best tolerated somewhat on a temporary basis.  But you will suffer big time, from physical pains, illness, and hardship.  You will suffer the heat and humidity of summer, the bitter cold of winter, the constant threat from predators (human and wildlife).  But you will be happy, because you are living in harmony with the Creator, and Creation, and with your local community.  You will laugh and sing, and you will occasionally erupt in sadness and anger.  You will be alive.  Your brain will not be hardwired into any technology or genetic engineering, but it will be clear, focused, and alive.  You will be a real human being.

I've spent a lot of time musing over that painting.  It may for the moment be a bit of hyperbole, illustrating the revolutionary changes to modern society, resulting in an even wider gulf between modern society and traditional society, but it is prophetic.  We are headed to this reality, in fact on some level we are already there.   At the very moment I am writing this, I know for a fact across my city there are hundreds of thousands of people whose mental state is separated from their physical environment and family by immersion in social media, their smartphones, and the TV.  The same people are predisposed to believe whatever the elites want them to believe by means of the main stream media.  They are already blindly obeying Big Brother.  The vast majority will end up in Group A in that picture.  And they will be total zombies.

So I ask again, dear reader, where will you live in the future?