Sunday, August 21, 2022

FYI, I’m a Hermit Type

FYI I’m a hermit type.  Not the grouchy anti-social type who wants to separate from his fellow man.  But one who prefers silence to noise, a few authentic relationships to fake ones, communion with creation and Creator, and to be reserved from modernist society. 

This is because I am at heart a Traditionalist, ecclesiologically and culturally.  I reject Liberalism because it makes man into god, and I reject mere conservatism because it is at heart liberalism, accepting the modernist orientation.  Had I been born a half century earlier, I would be a regular part of mainstream society despite man’s fallen state. Since I wasn’t, that leaves me not by choice today a kind of hermit type.  If this sounds like you, you might be too. 

I long for the hypothetical day I can work mostly from home.  I would probably teach continuing education courses in my profession online, do part-time home health in rural areas, and homestead.  I’d send the occasional text to a quality friend so they know I pray for and care about them, inviting them for the occasional dinner. And be receptive to likewise contact. They being free to visit with me for philosophical discussions, coffee, and to tour my homestead.

Otherwise, for the rest who adhere to this godless, vain, narcissistic, lustful, worldly, snobby, materialistic, shallow, hypocritical society, both in secular and sadly even church circles alike, unless they need my help per Biblical teaching, and ask for it, or are not the above (they’d know if they are), I hope they would please leave me and mine alone, so that we can maintain the peace of God and moral uprightness in our own life, which requires a retreat from the mainstream, and just know I will pray for their salvation, as well as mine.  Praise be to Jesus Christ.