Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Prepare for War Now. Or Your Family May Die.

Pull your head out of the sand.  Prepare now.  Food, water, energy.  The three essentials.  Think short-term, medium-term, and long-term.  Anticipate world war becomes official soon, and the economic crisis becomes exponential soon. 

Don't believe me?  Fact check this statement:  Putin just initiated the draft for all able-bodied men in Russia, to be organized by April 11.  As in 13 days from now.  

Wake up people.

But...Francis finally consecrated Russia.  Perhaps. And perhaps he didn't.  But we can't presume on God's mercy, that this consecration was THE singular act prophesized by Our Lady of Fatima in 1917 that would usher in a period of peace.  I'm not counting on it.

If you care about yourself, your spouse, your children, grandchildren, relatives, friends, future spouse or future children, all of their souls and well being, then wake up, stop caring what people think, and prepare now.  Materially, and spiritually.  Right now.

We are at war, even if not officially declared.  The enemy is not so much Russia or the eastern axis.  It is Biden/NATO about to officially start world war, and the cocaine-snorting, child molesting political elites that make Epstein-style child sex trafficking, black-mailing orgies, not to mention destroying Western Civilization, or for that matter all of Civilization, a dark hobby.  

They hate humanity so much, they want everyone of us -- except maybe themselves (maybe) -- not only to die the most painful death imaginable, to wipe out any memory we ever existed, not only to damn our souls, but for every soul to be at the deepest level in hell, suffering an eternal torment equal to Lucifer himself.

They want to crush our minds, free wills, rights to property, arms, freedom of speech, freedom to profess our Christian faith and morals, and freedom to express our thoughts about anything in the world. 

They want especially anything to do with the teachings and person of Jesus Christ, and those who follow Him, to be destroyed.  To destroy completely Our Lord Jesus Christ's kingship over all nations and governments.


While they prepare to hide in their luxury bunkers with many years of stored food and booze and cocaine, waiting to emerge once again world elites, with not a care for their eternal souls or spiritual integrity, giving over their billions one day thinking, like delusional psychopaths, they will be uploaded to Zuckerberg's Metaverse, itself downloaded onto a computer chip and rocketed to Elon Musk's transhuman colony on Mars.

Am I sounding crazy?  This is literally how these elites are thinking  

This is real.

Laptop contents have been leaked and copied.  And it won't take two years to realize the Truth, like it did to realize the Truth about the Scamdemic.

To Blame for Impending World War III

Prepare for war now, or your family will die.  A person can starve to death in a matter of weeks.  Die of thirst in a matter of days.  Do you have experience with semi-automatic rifles?  Thug gangs from the bad side of town do.  And they know how to break and enter, steal food, and kill before being themselves killed.  It's their craft.

One cyber-attack can knock out the power grid.  Try buying beans and rice and water (or toilet paper!) down at Walmart without a debit card.  How many days food do you have in your house?  Most have less than a week.  When the starving zombies start looting, are you prepared?

The gangs are not going to target lower income neighborhoods.  They'll be coming for the rich and middle class, suddenly and quickly pulling up at an odd hour in old, black SUV's in your driveway, and in a matter of seconds you'll be dead while they'll be driving away laughing with all your food.

One cyber-attack and our daily life comes to a screeching halt.  When the average person goes a week without big macs, netflix, or electricity, most will mentally...and morally...implode.  And become your worst enemy.

This is very real.

Putin made himself very clear in his speech about entering Ukraine.  He entered Ukraine to protect Russian separtists being killed for years, to minimize loss of life, to de-NATO-fy, de-militarize, de-nazify Ukraine, and respect its sovereignty as a distinct nation.  

But he said if the US/NATO does one singular act against Russian forces, then he will react immediately "the likes the world has never seen."

What are the odds we cross that red line drawn in the sand, he then hits us, and then we are in official world war?  1%?  10%?  25?  50%? 

Then ask yourself how high do the odds have to be before you pull your head out of the sand and do your God-given duty to your family, nation, Church, and God himself.  Prepare now, or your family will die.  

Let's put it this way, no matter how much I like you, unless you are a close friend or family member, when the SHTF, it’s a matter of strategic survival -- if you show up at my door begging for food, I will give you a plastic rosary, one of those little bibles from the dollar store, a cup of rice, sit with you on the front porch for five minutes giving survival advise, and then escort you peacefully off the property while I wish you God speed.

Purchase now:  gallons of water, bags of rice and beans, canned food especially canned protein, propane, charcoal, a weapon, ammo, extra meds, batteries, flash lights, candles, take out cash, gas cans, extra gas, plan to "bug out" and then "bug in."  Go down on Saturday and buy a Costco membership for $60.  $10 for a 25 lb. bag of rice.  $10 for a 50 lb. bag of flour.  Hit up Aldi's for 79 cent cans of beans (16 ounces).  The cheapest canned tuna is at Walmart, $3.16 a pound, not much more for canned chicken breast.  Etc, etc, etc.   Prepare now.

You're welcome.

God bless America.