Tuesday, October 5, 2021

How to Tell When Someone is a True Friend.

Does the person really care about listening to you, not just your viewpoint but to you on a personal level, even if you have a serious disagreement about a topic, which we all are going to have at some point with each other?

If they can’t, but devolve to personal insult and intellectual dishonesty about what exactly was said, and then refuse to apologize when those insults are addressed, because being right is more important than being a friend, then that person is not a genuine friend. This turns out to be a good test of the friendship.  

Better to weed out bad friends and just have a few sincere friends, then waste your time with men who do not act as if they are at peace in themselves, or to others, including you.  This is even more true among us Christians.  

Where there is no peace, Christ is not there, and therefore the relationship should be avoided.  Christ Himself said he did not come to bring peace, in the natural, this world’s sense of peace, but to give internal supernatural peace to the man in a state of sanctifying Grace.  But when one man adheres to a particular Truth, in any concrete circumstance in daily life, in a just manner, in relation to his brother not adhering to that Truth or a just exchange, then he will suffer the turmoil of that relationship.  If it can be avoided, internal peace is the reward.  

It wasn’t like this before the 1960’s Marxist revolution in this country.  Men could hash out differences, even about religious or political differences, even with some good old fashioned argumentation, and not end up “canceling” the other who is not in absolute agreement with every in single belief or opinion they have (an absolute impossibility this side of heaven).  Sign of the times.