Thursday, August 12, 2021

Christian, Pro-Life Med Student Expelled. Hits Home for Me.

Read about this here.

Here’s the break down: 

All the man did was post on Facebook his opposition to abortion.  Once.  

8 people then complained to the University this offended them. 

He tried to write 5 apology letters to the Med school, none were sincere enough for them, in that he did not admit he was wrong in his pro-life views.

He went through the university appeal system but lost.

In the end, he was found guilty of misogyny, hate speech, and ultimately disrupting unity in the student body.

Over one pro-life post on his FB timeline.

It is highly unlikely this man will ever be admitted to another Med school, after years of hard work to get where he is already at.  His dream of serving the sick as a physician, almost certainly over.  Any professional status rightfully earned by becoming a doctor, erased. 

Because he posted on Facebook he opposed termination of unborn human life in the womb, based on his Christian faith.

He will live with this singular persecution, what they did to him, the consequences, for the rest of his life.

I can relate to this man’s story.  Once upon a time I applied to Physician Assistant school, having no good reason not to get in, having exceptional references, letters of recommendation, GPA, GRE score, etc.   In the interview I was asked if I would prescribe birth control since they saw I had a Catholic degree from a seminary.  When I gave a very general answer to avoid telling them directly no I wouldn’t, something like “I would respect the rights of my patients for their reproductive choices,” the lady PA asking (and ultimately judging my application) said “Well I don’t think if you’re a Catholic you can be a PA, you will have to prescribe birth control.”  This being my 3rd year to apply, that statement spelled the end of my attempts.  Keep in mind that far more chemical abortions occur from prescribing the Pill than from surgical abortion.

Doctors in the West make $ 200,000 plus a year.  Say a 30 year career, that is a loss of 6 million, not including dividends from future investments, this man was illegally deprived of a lucrative career which he had already earned the right to enter.  It is less for a Physician Assistant, but they are still well off.

It is Big Brother against us pro-life orthodox Christians, everywhere, and it’s getting much worse.  Especially with the covid vaccine mandates.  

As I said in my last post, I believe this is the Age of the Anti-Christ and martyrdom, for now socially and economically. A kind of soft martyrdom for Catholics unwilling to lie, cheat, or accept murder.  And Big Brother—the government, future employers, etc—can very well track down who Joseph Ostermeir is, and cancel me too. 

For expressing the Catholic Truth on a particular subject.  So be it. 

Praise be Jesus Christ.

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