Friday, August 13, 2021

New Motu Proprio Litmus Test; Covid Vaccine Mandate; New Trad Catholic News Source

It’s scorching hot here in Oklahoma this mid August. We’ve managed three Blue Hole Springs trips this summer, for relief, hoping to get at least one more in before Fall. And as I am this time of year, I eagerly anticipate the cooling temperatures in the weeks ahead. 

Also, I’m still very appreciative of the feedback lately from Catholic readers around the world, country, and locally, giving me renewed impetus to keep this thing going.  

Of course when the pope acts like an anti-Christ and drops a nuclear bomb on the Traditional Latin Mass Movement, as he did to us last month, that certainly makes you sit up straight in your chair and ready yourself for what is next.

For us, the bottom line comes down to the ever more clear litmus test Francis/the Bishops have imposed on us in principle, with this néw Motu Proprio, as the main condition under which our traditional liturgies can continue.  

The FSSP has made it clear enough in recent statements it adheres to this litmus test, distancing itself from those accused of schism (ie the SSPX).  The other Ecclesia Dei groups I am sure follow the same posturing and compromise, more than ever, to retain their privileges. 

And that is why going forward, we intend to make every effort to attend the SSPX weekly in Oklahoma City, a 4 hour round trip, which I encourage everyone here locally to try to do when you can.  

This Catholic church is a sanctuary where there is no compromise or acceptance of the new, conciliar religion, or any kind of stigmatization often attached to those supporting the work/positions of Archbishop Lefebvre.  

On occasion when my elderly mom wants to go/needs to go to Mass with us, she not being able to do the OKC drive (5 hr round trip in her case), then it’ll be a nearby diocesan TLM.   

Prayers though for all we know in these TLM communities.

The Motu Proprio Litmus Test:

I urge you to go back and read Francis’ letter accompanying the Motu Proprio, and the document itself.  Their stated intention is for all of us TLM-attendees to eventually come back to the liturgical reform of Paul VI in the 1970 Roman missal, deemed now the only legitimate expression now of the Roman rite.  

Mass with the 1962 missal will be tolerated now as a temporary indult. And, the Bishops are to make sure you accept the “legitimacy” of all of Vatican II and the Novus Ordo Missae.   You are to stop referring to the “true Church” verses the errors of the Council/Liturgical reform.  Period.  

And, many are predicting more documents to follow soon to bring down the hammer with even more full force.  My best guess is the Vatican will clarify more forcefully “no Latin Masses in parochial churches.”

This is also evident in every communique coming across our screens lately from Diocesan Bishops, either confirming that the FSSP, Institute, and Diocesan  priests saying the True Mass are in full acceptance of the néw religion, or in some cases lamenting traditionalist “divisions” in some approved communities.

That is, by those who would dare call out publicly that the “Conciliar Church” of Vatican II, the Protestantized Mass, certain errors in Vatican II itself, and blind obedience to the Church authorities, are themselves the actual division, not Traditionalists for saying so. 

Now is the time to decide if you are a Traditionalist Catholic who publicly rejects this new religion, or a Conservative Novus Ordo Catholic who prefers the TLM and silently accepts Catholic Modernism as expressed in the Novus Ordo rite.  Are you really willing to burn a few grains of incense to the gods of Vatican II so that you can attend an “approved” Latin Mass?

To accept Traditional Catholicism as true, but to falsely accept the errors of VII and the Novus Ordo Missae as Catholic, in order to have the bishops favor, to save your TLM, would be to tell a LIE.

As much as I’ve been socially involved over the years in trad parish coffee and doughnuts, get-togethers, potlucks, pig roasts, choir, church work days, volunteer positions, etc, whether at the SSPX, FSSP, or Diocesan TLM, I cannot accept a LIE, worse a SYSTEM OF LIES contrary to our Catholic Faith.  That amounts to accepting apostasy.  Even if that means it is more prudent to drive 4 hours every Sunday for Mass.

Covid Mandates:

Well, this is getting exponentially worse, folks.  Just look at San Francisco now requiring the vaccine to enter many public establishments.  Or whole dioceses requiring their priests and seminarians to get the Abortion-Vax. Or Ascension Catholic health care system (owns St John’s Hospitals, etc here in Oklahoma) mandating this. 

I haven’t been required yet to get it, but I’m following the position of the SSPX that for grave reasons you could without committing a sin let alone a grave sin, yet that we should try and avoid it altogether because of its connection to baby dismemberment.  For me it will come down to weighing our finances and if the job is really that necessary to keep.  If I was single, I’d say to heck with it and let them fire me, if it came to it, but I am financially responsible for others besides myself.

I’m thinking here of the example of St. Thomas More who sought a way for his family to accept the decree on the king’s second marriage, out of his obligation to protect his family.  As we know, in the end there was no way he could without telling a LIE, contradicting the Catholic Faith, and so he was beheaded.

The way this thing looks to me, it’s going to be massive soft martyrdom for pro-life Christians refusing in principle the vaccine.  Loss of jobs, professions, social status, in some cases jail time, loss of custody, difficulty shopping, getting groceries, traveling, God knows what is next will really go down. 

This is basically the globalists using the virus to make the world conform to globalism and the principles of communism.  Including their principle that abortion is morally acceptable, including its connection to the development of a vaccine. 

This is the current Litmus test at the secular level. Accept as tolerable or acceptable on some level vaccines derived from murdering innocent human beings.  They want us through the mandate to lower the pro-life flag once and for all, just as the Catholic Modernists want us to lower the flag of our objections to Vatican II and the Novus Ordo.

Time will tell how this plays out.  Who knows, maybe some more conservative states like Oklahoma will pass strict anti-mandate laws that unequivocally make it clear this fundamentally private decision is between you, your family, doctor, and God.

Canon 1752.”  A New Catholic News Source:

Started up a new side blog adjoined to The Okie Traditionalist, see link at top of main page, based on that canon law considered the highest law in the Code.

The focus is on the most crucial news headlines related to the fight for Traditional Catholicism, pro-life and pro-family causes, and the defense of what little remains of the Christian West. 

The headlines present the news story, without giving much of any editorializing, letting the Truth be apparent in the fact of the news headline itself.   Also, I will try and avoid the best I can fake news, and tabloid-esque news.  In essence, as I do already, I will scan the main Catholic and secular news sites (C212, PewSitter, LifeSiteNews, Citizen Free Press, etc, etc), and pick out the most globally important topics related to the most discussed current events.

Like for example right now, the néw Motu Proprio and covid vaccine mandates.  

As this list develops, like a database, the headlines not disappearing as they do for some other news aggregates, I’ll just have to add a few stories every day or so, to keep it active and current.

Please share this resource with others and bookmark it to view daily, along with The Okie Traditionalist. Time will tell, but if this gets sustained views, I’ll keep up this side project. 

Have a good weekend.