Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Fr. Z, Just Say the TLM "Outside" St. Peter's

Which is a greater opportunity, being able to get along with the Modernists who run St. Peter's Basilica, jumping through God knows what hoops to get their permission to say the TLM at a side altar in the basilica...or the opportunity to use the current suppression as a public witness to the superiority, truth, and doctrinal orthodoxy of the Traditional Catholic Mass?

It has been a tennis match trying to get the bishops to allow the TLM, not to mention for the authorities to allow the TLM at the side altar in St. Peter's.  They are anticipating you keep playing that spiritually torturous game.

Up the ante, Fr. Z et al.  They have already indicated they do not want TLMs, or for that matter Ad Orientem Novus Ordo's at the side altar.  The ever ambiguous new statement that came out this week does nothing to clearly state any priest can say the TLM, needing no permissions.  You know, because Pope Benedict XVI judged that to already be the case.

So instead, set up a temporary altar in the courtyard or on a public sidewalk facing east to St. Peter's, and offer the sound and true Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.  Wherever the secular authorities will allow it.  Any visiting priest can say the Mass outdoors--if necessary.  Let that be a public witness not only to the tyrannical suppression under the Francis-Regime, but to the truth and beauty of the Traditional Mass, and the Traditional Catholic Faith.  By visiting priests, bishops, and cardinals for years to come.