This is all over Catholic news today. Reported originally by The Lepanto Institute. Key chapters posted at Rorate Coeli.
In the late 1990’s, Fernandez wrote a book comparing mystical ecstasy to sexual climax,, and vice versa, with extremely immoral and perverse language used. Chapters 7, 8, and 9 are most controversial. Here are some highlights of what he said (warning: lewd content):
- The book cover shows a nude woman laying sexually with a nude male angel.
- In mystical prayer, we can experience literally an erotic, psychic, physical pleasure comparable to climax.
- He relates a story of a 16 year old girl describing sexual thoughts about Christ, while the Blessed Virgin Mary watches in approval.
- Women do not benefit as much as men in achieving sexual satisfaction from looking at hard core porn, including violent porn, and orgies. But they do enjoy looking at them.
- He cites a “venerable” Muslim theologian praising Allah for creating the sex act to be done in a violent way.
- People are not purely men nor purely women.
- He supports the theory women are superior to men due to their fertility, and that men compensated historically by forming patriarchal institutions.
- He goes into graphic detail about how to maximize sexual intercourse, and is not limiting it to the marital act.
- Right after climax, in some sense maleness and femaleness cease to exist.
- etc etc.
This was a priest who as seminary rector was under investigation by the CDF under Pope Benedict. Who Bergoglio supported his appointment as rector, and took his side against the CDF. And then later appointed him as his chief ghost writer of his papal documents. And then in 2018 made him a bishop, with the title of Archbishop. And then made him a Cardinal this summer and new head of the DDF this Fall. Who it is said wrote the homosexual blessing document, and definitely it’s “clarification.” Who remains the doctrinal chief of the Church, second in charge of the Universal Church next to Pope Francis himself.
Theological interpretation of a Church document benefits from knowing the person who wrote it, their agenda, if any, and background. So it would seem this man has essentially publicly denied the Church’s teachings on sexuality, yet in his position as DDF prefect is poised to try and change it. There is now no doubt in my mind he meant a blessing of the homosexual relationship as such.
It is ironic, how does one alert the DDF that a priest wrote a heretical and lewd theological book when the prefect of the DDF is the one who wrote it? Or appeal to Pope Francis himself who defended and promoted him to the second highest office in the Church? Who surely knew of this man’s heretical views on sexuality.
Either Pope Francis knew about the book, or he didn’t. If he did, he absolutely should not have made him the doctrinal chief of the Church. If he didn’t, he should have known, and made a gigantic blunder appointing him, and must replace him.
However, if he did know about the book (a journalist can simply ask him and then we’ll know the answer) then he is complicit with appointing a heretic, favoring heresy in the appointment. If he didn’t know, and wouldn’t have appointed him had he known, he has to replace him.
Either way, Pope Francis has backed himself into a corner. The whole world is watching. He has no choice but to humble himself and undo the damage, or else his pontificate will go down in ruins.
After today, Pope Francis is the first pope to appoint to the head of the traditional Holy Office a verified sexual pervert who described with approval a young girl, a minor, fantasizing about sex with Jesus Christ, which is not only an act of pedophilia but of blasphemy.
Kyrie eleison.
Edit: Fernandez released a statement to the press today saying he wouldn’t write it today for the reason he discontinued having it further printed—because it could be misinterpreted. No confession of error, apology, or retraction. Zero admission of wrongdoing. The main problem is not as much this man’s character, but that he appears to still hold views opposed to Catholic moral teaching, especially on sexuality, yet going forward we can expect this man to be the author of doctrinal documents coming from the DDF.