Friday, March 24, 2023

Uganda Bans Homosexuality

Praise God.  States like Oklahoma need to man up and follow the lead of Uganda, to ban public displays that promote homosexuality and transsexualism, and move to re-ban homosexual “marriage.”   Once Obergefell is overturned by the Supreme Court like Roe was  overturned last summer, pray God.  Before the Leftists should pack the Court. 

Now in Uganda, a conservative Christian country dominated by Anglicans and Roman Catholics, if a homosexual has sex with a minor, or with anyone while being HIV positive, the law allows the death penalty.  If two homosexuals are caught simulating the sex act, which by nature is only between a man and woman, the law now allows life in prison.  If any person or entity promotes LGBTQism in their country, the maximum penalty is seven years in prison. 

When I read that it struck me at first as extreme, like you’d expect from a more fundamentalist Muslim country like Iran, until I saw most are Christians, with a large Catholic population.  

And if you think about it, those are maximum punishments, not necessarily a mandate for each individual case.  And from a Christian, biblical perspective, in which sodomy is one of the sins that “cry out to God for vengeance,” we need very strict laws against this evil. 

The West has rebelled against God, Nature, human nature, and part of the sacred nature of a human that is sexuality.  The result is the breakdown of marriage, family, and as a consequence society.   

And aside from the sexual revolution, artificial birth control, especially the pill, abortion on demand, and feminism (now in its “third wave” = “feminaziism” or hatred of men [mysandry]), it is the LGBTQ movement, and PC culture forcing acceptance of it on everyone, that is especially responsible for the downfall.

I actually get along well with “gay” people as long as they aren’t militant in talking about it.  When they don’t talk about their orientation like a woke social justice warrior.  

As long as they are acting as if their disorder is moral and normal, I would never have them as more than a friendly acquaintance, unless they were family or a coworker, then some circumstances could obligate closer interaction depending on the situation.  

If I had an adult son come to me and tell me he is homosexual, I’d sit down and have a long quiet conversation with him about the Catholic and Christian teaching, how I would pray for him, but I’d set boundaries.  No positive talk about homosexuality, except to offer spiritual advise and encourage conversion therapy.  No get togethers with he and his romantic partner unless that partner is a female.  

Statistically, odds are he’d go woke and rebel, and rarely if ever speak to us.  So be it.  We came into the world in the lonely space of the womb, in the end we are alone with God, in a sense.  

The problem is the LGBTQ ideology and its culture war, which sucks a lot of young people into that dark lifestyle.  Young people who often to a great extent, through no fault of their own, suffer from treatable psychiatric disorders.  

The irony is, writing a post like this could get someone like myself, a blogger, not only banned from blogger, doxed in real life, grounds for termination of employment by some companies out there, but even evidenced of “hate speech” by law enforcement. 

Recently a man took his family to an abortion “clinic” to legally pray and protest.  One of the “clinic’s” employees assaulted his son, so he acted in defense of his son and struck back.  The result was being targeted by the FBI, arrested, tried in court, but found not guilty.  Also recently, there is evidence the FBI is targeting Latin Mass Catholics like myself, and our parishes as potential domestic terrorists.  Because we take a very traditionalist, conservative view of society, especially on issues like abortion or homosexuality. 

Nonetheless, we conservative Christians are in a culture war.  We and what we represent are on the defensive.  We did not instigate this war.  We have the right and responsibility to speak out in support of Truth.  Because ultimately, on the metaphysical level, every Truth comes from God, because God IS Truth.