Friday, July 8, 2022

Leftist Activist Lower Courts Illegally Stopping Abortion Ban Enforcement

If a leftist activist court in a pro-life state can illegally contravene a higher court, namely the Supreme Court’s lifting of Roe vs. Wade, as is now happening, by allowing abortion, then the state executive branch, through the Governor, attorney general, and if they deem necessary the state national guard, can enforce the law come what may.  Whatever the law allows them. We must save lives from murder.   Two weeks ago was an Earth-shaking victory for the Right to Life, but the demons in the pro-abort movement are at a new level of culture war against the sanctity of human life.  Pro-life Governors need to hard core enforce the abortion bans going forward, and oppose hard core the abortion lobby in their state playing games with the courts, including these leftist activist judges.  The People have spoken.  Laws are now in place to protect life.  Time to send the pro-abort demons back to the hell they come from.