Monday, June 13, 2022

Answer to “Over-Population.”

First, discard the myth there are too many people.  The truth is there are too many people packed like sardines in cities.  

In the greater Tulsa area, for example, including the suburbs which melt into the City landscape, there are about 1 million people.  Aristotle said in his Politics cities need to be at most medium in size, otherwise there will be disorder.  

90% of city and suburban dwellers need to relocate to towns and rural areas.  The Earth having enough rural land and already existing towns (vs cities) to support a growing population.

Towns need to be re-industrialized, and with new corporate taxes, remodeled with farmer’s markets, traditional-style Main Streets, and traditional gardens and decor.  Think Christmas parades and fall festivals.  

People need to homestead and embrace minimalism.  Just buy what you need or what truly improves your life.  

And have large families to run those homesteads, raising large gardens, chickens, and a few head of cattle.  There’s your answer to the food crisis.  

The answer isn’t less people.  But rather large Christian families living in or near towns, removed from the godlessness of the modern urban and suburban landscape.  

Tell that to the likes of Bill Gates and Klaus Schwabb who want to reduce the population down to a fraction, and turn us all into vegan, liberal, lazy, mindless, ultra-urbanized pod dwellers.  A stupid utopic idea that will fail. 

Instead, move to the countryside my fellow trads, and raise fields of sweet potatoes and corn. Yes sir. 

Of course all of this will never happen as an organized movement by government.  It will take a total collapse first separating the wheat from the chaff.  95% will continue to embrace darkness and death.  While the 5% of us continue to seek truth, reality, and the light.