Thursday, March 17, 2022

We ARE at WAR with Russia. Nuclear High Alert

The main stream media continues its lies. We are in fact de facto at war (now) with Russia.  Just watch Tucker Carlson trying flabbergasted to explain this last night to a GOP congresswoman from Florida, more focused on the issue of human rights abuses, needing military aid, than on how that military aid may lead to OFFICIAL World War.  The idiocy of these neocon warmongers.

When Country A invades country B, and then Country C sends in a verifiable Military Industrial Conplex INTO Country B, to help defend it from Country A, it doesn’t take a declaration of Congress to establish the truth that Country C has entered the war fighting Country A.  

And considering Country A has prepared itself much more than we have for decades for strategic nuclear war, is the one who would  do first sudden strikes, then Country C sending in the Military Industrial Conplex war machine runs a high risk that, you know, Country A will do what it promised to do once the line has been crossed.  Russia is poised strategically to win a nuclear war, WITHOUT “mutually assured destruction.” That advantage makes us sitting ducks.

And Zelensky (and the US/EU/NATO) is too immature, proud, and corrupt to concede to what Russia wants to satisfy Russia. This is escalating. 

Which places the US on high alert for imminent nuclear attacks by Russia on American soil (our silos; two of which are a few hours from Tulsa; if hit would spread radiation for hundreds of miles due to wind).   Not my opinion. This is the Pentagon’s current high alert state of readiness, though the media won’t alert anyone to start prepping.  Alerts on DHS and American Red Cross websites, etc, aren’t being circulated.  Because most people will panic and make panic runs on gas stations and grocery stores. 

Prepare now.  In short, to be able to stay indoors sealed off for months with food and water, until safe enough to go back outside. It’s a  relatively small amount of time and $, considering the immediate threat.

$10 for 25 lbs of rice.  $15 for 25 lbs of dry beans.  $10 for 50 lb bag of flour.  Few hundred bucks to prep.  If the situation normalizes, then you have food for the next threat, or to eat.  A win win.

We are at war.