Thursday, March 17, 2022

BREAKING NEWS: Francis Specifically Asking ALL Bishops to Consecrate RUSSIA by Name to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, on 3/25, 5 pm Rome Time

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This just in.  Per a letter distributed by the Apostolic Nuncio in D.C., Francis is asking ALL Bishops in the world to recite his consecration prayer, consecrating Russia by name, explicitly by ALL the bishops.

This is not a joke. It is a true story.

This would be as requested by Our Lady of Fatima.  Which, if I understand correctly, would finally fulfill the conditions, leading to a period of peace (vs. an era of war and famine). 

Up until now, NO pope has consecrated Russia by name, let alone with all the bishops joining him.  While the Marian movement (Fatima Center, Fr. Gruner, etc) has been begging to do so for decades.

Apostolic Nuncio Letter
Asking ALL Bishops
To Say the Consecration Prayer
(click on image to read - enlarge several times)

If they end up fulfilling Our Lady of Fatima's  specific request, and all evidence points to the majority of them at least having done it, then per my post earlier this week I will literally do 100 somersaults in my street.  I might have to do that at night in the dark using some pads on the ground, so I don't embarrass myself too much, but my pledge to God is I will do it.

This is day 2 of a 9 day novena, ending on 3/25, that this goes down.

My Commentary, addressing objections:

1.  I personally question if Francis was validly elected, but theologians teach that an invalid pope who is recognized as the pope would still materially possess the Chair of St. Peter, such that their acts, or at least certain critical acts being legal, such as with the appointment of new bishops. No matter how evil they are. Therefore, if Francis is not a valid pope, and he is the worst enemy of the Church in history, then it seems the consecration would still take place.

2.  If you believe Benedict XVI is still the pope, as some do (I don't), since he is a bishop, and since Francis is asking all bishops to do the consecration on 3/25, yet if BXVI is still pope, even if he doesn't think he is, then if that scenario is true the true valid pope would still be the pope consecrating Russia. 

3.  Ukraine is historically part of Russia, as it was around the time of 1917 when Our Lady appeared to the children at Fatima.  Consecrating Ukraine along WITH Russia would a) still be consecrating Russia "by name," but also b) consecrating a region once a part of Russia (and now once again occupied at least temporarily by Russia).

Very interesting moment in history we are in, like being in the eye of a tornado, or silence before the storm.  A traditional Catholic friend just remarked yesterday to me that perhaps this will be the real consecration asked for, ironically by Francis, to which I laughed being very doubtful.  Of course I hope my intuition is wrong, hearing this new development.

Our Lady of Fatima, Pray for Us