Thursday, March 10, 2022

UPDATE on the World War. This Is REAL. Okie Trad Opines.


1. We ARE at War.  Global war.  That is, World War III.   Its real.  US/NATO has joined the Russia-Ukraine war by sending in the Military Industrial Complex into Ukraine.  You heard it here first, from some Okie Catholic guy sitting in his living room.

2. Which means severe economic hardship very soon for everyone.  Except maybe those living in the Arctic circle living off of whale blubber, or the filthy rich.  

The poor without a moral compass, or a savings account, will be the first hit -- and hit hard.  Within a week of no food, they will become your worst enemy.  Lock and load.  

Next will be the spoiled upper class and spoiled middle class which up until now thrive on cultural narcissism, high debt, and discrimination -- they will implode psychologically when they can't afford to eat out every week, when their Pilates class is cancelled, which they desperately needed to "build their self-esteem," or when they can’t pay their car payments. Blah blah blah.  

The simpler lower Middle Class, those with some level of faith, morals, use of right reason and problem-solving skills, savings and property,  will ironically thrive, relative to the rest, because there won't be a huge change for them, in terms of money or lifestyle.  Many traditional Catholic Americans, and those like them, fall into this socio-economic group. 

Their place on the artificially created, post-modern, pseudo-darwinistic social hierarchy won't mean much in the new dynamic, but instead their work ethic, integrity, and real life practical knowledge and skills.  God will avenge everything the decadent, oligarch bullies, on all socio-economic levels, have done to the Average Joe Six Pack, just trying to have a nice, godly family and put food on the table, these last 60 years.    

3.  There is a high degree of certainty of nuclear war.  Every man, woman, and child, and their dog, must prepare for nuclear attacks and radiation.  Youtube preppers are an excellent resource right now.

4. After decades, we've backed Putin/Russia into a corner.  We underestimated him.  Rope a Dope, per Ali (see my last post).  This isn't round 1.  This is round 8.  And Putin has been making Russia ready for many years.  We've crossed the Rubicon.  We can't put the Genie back in the Bottle, i.e. prevent WW3.  It's already begun.  And China is Russia's main ally, and now the greatest threat to the modernist West.  The US has the biggest defense spending and most precise weapons, but morally, psychologically, and economically we are weak and poised to lose this.  The Pentagon elites know this damn well.  Once we implode socially, existentially, then we are sitting ducks for invasion, to control the US  on our own soil.  That was after all the plan all along.  It was once upon a time for the USSR, likely still is at least the implicit long term plan of Putin-Russia (i.e. if it it comes to it), and most definitely is for the Chinese Communist Party.  Putin is rightfully a Nationalist protecting the old world order of Eastern European Christian culture, but the CCP want everyone to be atheistic Communists.

5. Read and re-read Archbishop Vigano's declaration on the War, see recent post.  Pray for world peace, i.e. that by some miracle WW3 is just a few months long and then ends before we bring down God's wrath.  And that who knows, the US will back down from world domination via NATO.

Archbishop Vigano's Declaration on The War

6. But I think IT is happening.  We did not listen to Our Lady.  This is the Great Chastisement she foretold.  If Bergoglio consecrates Russia as requested, siting on the Chair of St. Peter, then I'll do 100 summer saults up and down my street in celebration.  I literally promise to do that.  But he won't do it.  We did not listen.  God's mercy has run out.  We will now answer to the Divine Judge and receive our guilty conviction and sentence.  And it won't be community service, but more like hard labor in the gulag.  So be it.  I like cold porridge, hard work outside, and the crisp air of a winter morning.   And Justice.  I like Justice.

7.  Again time to prep immediately.  The crazy people are the ones's calling prepping crazy.  Think how to survive a great depression, with threat of nukes.  a) store away food etc asap, especially right now flour, oatmeal, meat, gas, b) start your spring garden immediately, c) buy ammo and make sure you have a gun, to protect from looters and to hunt;  would you rather hunt and garden, or just prepare to work 60 hours a week for enough shekles to buy your weekly ration of rice?  d) restructure your plan for your career/work life for the next few years based on surviving World War III,  e) get in shape immediately, asap (a personal primary goal), sharpen your skills and resume, and prepare for hard core competition in your field, whatever that field is, just so you can afford a loaf of bread.   The best jobs will be survival-oriented.  And while doing these few relatively simple action items, keep calm and keep on living, for your family, "country" (vs. The Swamp), and Faith.  

Yes sir.