Friday, February 11, 2022

Trucker Convoys: What is Unfolding Before Our Eyes

Well, in a few weeks, it is predicted the American Freedom Trucker Convoy will convene on March 1st, in imitation of our freedom-loving brothers up north.  It seems the convoy will be driving to Washington D.C.

The same city where a year ago the January 6th Trump Rally became high-jacked by a few anti-fa thug plants.  What Lord Biden and the Dems did was steal the election, and take over the federal government by means of a political coup.  The USA became left in the ashes.  What was created in a single vote was effectively the Communist States of America.

If that paragraph above gets this 6 year old blog removed, or worse I get targeted by some government Leftist idiot, then all I can say is "Kiss my a**!"

Everyone across the political spectrum--ironically including the woke Leftists--knows that the real Insurrection was NOT people walking around the Capitol building in protest.  It was what was happening on the floor of the Senate on January 6th, 2020, a day which will be held in infamy.  

If anything, the stupidly performed protest that went into the building, which was likely staged by the Left, prevented the strongly conservative Republicans from sending the electoral votes back to those swing states obviously stolen by mass voter fraud.

As I reflected about in my last two posts, it has become clear the last two years we are facing the "Great Reset."  The political scandals of the present are different than before the covid plandemic.  Now post-covid, we are in the eye of a global tornado.  Or worse a hurricane.  See the image I use at the top of the screen to represent the blog.

As I sit here in the cozy comfort of my home, out there in the world is literally a verifiable political and cultural Revolution taking place against us, by the Oligarchs, Bankers, Big Media, Big Tech, the DNC, and CCP to once and for all force the nations and people of the world into a Totalitarian, Communistic system of international government control.

This is real folks, not science fiction or mere conspiracy theory.  After 24 months of my own personal observation, this is the obvious state of reality.

That tyranny is maneuvering to once and for all control the nature of human beings, sexuality, marriage, and the family.  It will control everything we believe, think, reason, and say about  what we observe and perceive about the external world, creation, and the divine design.

But at the same time, looking out my door, I am witnessing a political and cultural Counter-Revolution, opposing specifically this Great Reset Revolution.  After all, every action has an equal and opposite reaction.  The tyrannical measures taken by most governments across the world in response to the spread of Covid-19 has woken up the people.

The Cristeros

The "real woke" is spreading.  The global state of consciousness is shifting among many from a state of post-modern relativism, to a state of objective realism, unplugging from the artificial Matrix, and opening their mind to all that is Real outside their mind.  To question the propaganda and brainwashing they've been forced to endure by the public school system, Leftist, secularist-run entertainment media, and government-directed news media the last 50 years.

The stupid, NOT woke, Leftists, cue the likes of Justin Trudeau, are being exposed for the tiniest of minority pests they are, by the populist masses sick and tired of government tyranny, PC wokism, and the culture war that robs everyone, of all races, colors, religions, of both genders (there being only two), sexual "orientations" (i.e. the one God created;  the other a psychiatric disorder), and all nationalities and cultures of their God-given, and Nature-given human dignity.

The Optic right now, which the world is tuned into, is the Canadian Freedom Truck Convoy.  Aside from the controversies raised by government entities, which if I discussed here might deem me politically incorrect, as a group these men are national and international heroes. 

Truckers, men, I take my hat off to you.  

A Christmas Present I'm Now Wearing Around Town

Keep truckin' across Canada in your convoys.  It's okay, we can stand some supply chain problems.  We all can do without the choicest groceries for a while in solidarity with the Freedom Patriots up north.  I wanted to hang a Canadian flag from my house right now in solidarity, but sadly the Mrs. is right, if we hang that up we could get targeted as if we are right wing extremists, so I exercised my God-given authority as the head of our home and decided to defer to her safety concerns on that one.

And then there will be the American Truck Convoy next month.  Here are my thoughts.

They need to prepare for a long term legal and PR battle -- expect unjust false accusations by the Leftist politicians ruling the Swamp, unjust citations and imprisonment, Big Media slandering American Freedom Patriots as extremists, and possibly another anti-fa style staged riot in D.C. to make the convoy look like violent nutters, the way the scoundrels made the tens of thousands of peaceful, Trump protesters look on 1/6/21.

They should hire high end security teams and a high end PR firm to manage the whole Optic of the American convoy, from start to finish, so it doesn't go south in the media.  Daily press releases stating the convoy is coordinating with all law enforcement to ensure a peaceful protest.  Before it begins, coordinate hard core with the FBI and National Guard, at least try to so the world will see you did your due diligence.  Do not use crowdfunding websites.  Rely on alternative social media like Tumblr.

Conservatives like Trump, Mel Gibson, etc should start a bank account for big donors  Let conservative millionaire celebrities pony up and each give a million.  Their social credit will go up with those who believe in reason, freedom, and objective moral laws based on nature.  Heck, their donations will get them a spot in the front of the convoy driving a truck.

Imagine the optic of Trump driving one of those trucks.

These Trucker Convoys around the world are now at the lead to oppose the Great Reset.  Truckers leading the world patriots!  Who would have predicted that?   Many Leftist revolutionary developments could unfold before our eyes in the months ahead, with proportional responses.  This going far beyond the issue of covid or vaccine mandates.  Even far beyond national disputes.   This Storm seems to be growing exponentially larger by the day.  

It as if there is an existential wave spreading across the masses in open, truly "woke" resistance to everything that violates the rights of man, a free society, Christians, the Church, and ultimately the sovereign rights of God.

That God who is the Creator, Law Giver, Judge, Sovereign Lord, and Reedemer.  Our ultimate beginning, and our ultimate end.

Justin Trudeau, Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi, Xi Jinping, Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, George Soros, Antthony Fauci, and company, what wealth and power you have comes from God.  And will ultimately one day soon be taken completely away from you. He will exact his wrath and vengeance upon you for your crimes against humanity, and it will be unimaginable in its horror and scope.  

And if God allows it, hopefully in our life times, there will be a new Nuremberg Trial one day.  The prayer being that one day God-loving, freedom-loving patriots will once again be lawfully voted into government, and bring these devils to justice.  

Just like the Nazis were brought to justice by the international community.