Sunday, February 6, 2022

Our Plan: HOW TO Survive the Great Reset

Well, it feels good to be back in the saddle writing blog posts, emerging from my recent winter cyber cave.  This time every year "cabin fever" starts to set it.   

We just finished enjoying the cozy indoor experience of weathering several days of an Oklahoma winter blast -- making tortilla soup, and a mixed berry cobbler, with almond/coconut flour, in my new Lodge dutch oven, covered in coals inside the fireplace.  

But I am itching to be outside hiking, grilling, and starting to prep the soil in my front yard garden.

As to the topic.  When your enemies come at you, you must have an intentional, detailed plan, a strategy to defeat the evil they are trying to inflict upon your life, that is when said evil is harming a) your family, b) community, c) and the Church, and not just yourself.  Because that is our duty against which one day our salvation will be weighed.  Husbands and fathers especially must set aside some mental space to contemplate how to respond to the Great Reset.

As I articulated in my last post, the Great Reset, as I understand this atheistic globalist agenda, is to make use of the Chinese Communist Party/Gain-of-function enhanced Covid-19 coronavirus, to create a global Plan-demic, in order to solidify, re-structure, and tightly unify once and for all, all nation members of the UN, all Totalitarian, Banana Republic governments that call themselves democracies, and all major organizations which closely cooperate with the deep state.  

And ultimately to use fear, intimidation, demoralization, a government-induced state of panic and extreme mental distress, to force all the Sheeple to conform absolutely to the newspeak, unwritten rules, and ideology of "Big Brother.  That is Global Tyrannical Government.

Therefore, for me and my own, I/we have come up with a Plan how to survive this Great Reset, which I share with you below:

1.  Practice Traditional Catholicism.  Attend the Traditional Latin Mass, preferably independent of the parochial system, preferably at an SSPX chapel if you have one within driving distance.  Or even start your own Traditional Catholic home chapel.  Or both.  Embrace the customs of the Liturgical Year that unfold on a weekly basis.  

Pray the Little Office morning and night, the Rosary, daily spiritual reading, weekly communion, bi-monthly confession, study traditional catechisms, lives of the saints, and laity-oriented works of Catholic theology and philosophy.  First and foremost, live this lifestyle building up the Domestic Church within your home.

2. Maintain a long term plan for self-employment, reducing as much as possible the high risks from the leftist PC culture to your livelihood, anti-Christian bigotry in the work place, not to mention the commonly fraudulent, usurious, monopoly-controlled, unethical and immoral quality too often present in work places and industries.  

The plan being your own company or service conducted according to Catholic principles.  Even if that means a more simple livelihood.  Reduce your dependency on things.  Own what you strictly need, or what strictly speaking will likely bring high quality and value to your daily life. Otherwise, live like the Holy Family, a life of simplicity.

3.  Keep living life AS IF there is no imminent global threat, to every man, woman, and child on the planet, regardless of health status or age, of dying directly from Covid.  Also, keep living life as normal as possible, regardless of what the Lord Biden regime keeps forcing on us at every local level.  

In other words, act as if you are IGNORING these leftist trolls, while also keeping a close, birds eye view on their Machiavellian maneuverings.  Watch them like a hawk, while simultaneously soaring freely above and beyond their B.S. 

4. Keep restoring American cultural tradition to maintain this normalcy.  The goal being not just to resist the "new normal" "under covid," but to go back to a truly more "normal" state of life as existed before our American culture became dismantled after the 1950's.  If it snows, build snow men like the one in the picture below.  If it's St. Patrick's Day, go look for shamrocks and make corn beef and cabbage.

Watch old movies and TV shows.  There is a lifetime of video entertainment/education sources from the 70's and 80's, most online, such that you can avoid anything post-'80's.  You don't need to watch Game of Thrones or Jerry McGuire.  Watch Perry Mason, the old Twilight Zone, Little House on the Prairie, the Walton's, Alfred Hitchcock films, Mr. Rogers Neighborhood, etc, etc.  Enroll your boys in Catholic scouting troops modeled on the old version of the Boy Scouts, before it became woke-acized.

5.  Be resilient.  With the Faith, Mass, sacraments, and common sense, we can and must resist the new Great Reset version of the post-2020 world.  Instead we maintain the Tradition of the Church, America, the West, and of humanity itself.

Conclusion:  as to the current Stalin's and Hitler's of this current world, who are organizing the neo-Bolshevik and neo-Nazi thought leaders and foot soldiers, who they have enabled to take over our once cherished institutions, while there must be a daily watching out for their evil plans, to evade and outsmart them, we should and must not fear them.  

The martyr saints did not fear the anti-Christian Romans under Nero, trembling in fear they might be arrested, imprisoned, and thrown to the lions.  On the contrary, they had at most a fear of sinning, and losing their salvation, by means of burning even one grain of incense objectively, regardless of intention, as a sign of worship to the false Roman idols, a singular act which could have damned their soul.  

Instead, they were actually happy and glad to resist the anti-Christs of their time, and to have the chance to be thrown to the lions.  That should be our attitude, to out maneuver their game, which they force us to play.  

IF you are forced to play their game, to provide and protect what God has given you...and IF we must try to win...and IF winning requires some kind of effort...and IF making an effort in a game to win requires some kind of fun-oriented spirit and sport in order to actually win, THEN we can--and should--play their damn game, which is itself damnable, in a spirit of fun and sport.  St. Thomas More did this in his case, as a lawyer and chancellor of England.

We should be openly and gladly defiant to giving the slightest sign that we approve of the "ideological idols" the Leftists are continuously pressuring us to accept and honor.  

We should be like a hawk in the sky flying smoothly and serenely, with a deep sense of freedom, while standing up for the rights and freedoms of God, the Church, all Christians, and all children of God.  We must not acquiesce.  But we should also keep living our daily life in a spirit of simplicity, based on the traditions of our Faith and nation.

Anyway, even if no one reads this above post, myself putting this onto "paper" so to speak, to go back and read in the future, certainly helps me contemplate the plan that we have already been taking in our own life.

The comment section is, now, open (hope it works, blogger comments sometimes don't work).  Or, feel free to email me comments, feedback, or questions, to: