Friday, July 30, 2021

The 7 Deadly Sins of the Modern Age

1.  To be anything less than athletically fit, and smartly dressed for success. 

2.  To have anything less than—like—an amazing self-esteem. 

3. To be making less than a prosperous, American style middle class income, with the contemporary home and cars to show for it.

4.  Humility, a big no no.  Ego and personal wants is of primary importance, everything and everybody else secondary. Duh. 

5.  Living a conservative Christian lifestyle, even worse being a Catholic, worse a white, heterosexual, male conservative Catholic = Intolerant Bigot Enemy No. 1.   Already guilty of all Future Crimes against the Left.  Even more so if you commit deadly sins 1-4.

6. Chastity in all things.

7. Treating adherence to Truth, ie acting in conformity with Reality, as a moral obligation, despite the unpopularity and bullying treatment that usually ensues.

Folks, contrast these anti-Christ laws of contemporary society with the Ten Commandments, and the teachings of Christ in the Sermon on the Mount, about humility, meekness, the thirst for justice, shunning the honors and riches of this world.

To be a Christian in today’s world, under this satanic néw morality that dominates most modern people, and to be a Catholic, and a traditional Catholic, in belief, lifestyle, and social interaction, is to be a soft martyr.  

Which makes us friends of the apostles and prophets.

All praise be to Jesus Christ.