Monday, September 28, 2020

Saw this Bumper Sticker in Traffic: My Response

It said "I believe in a separation of Church and Hate."

I had to pause a moment, sitting there in my car, waiting for traffic to move.   I had never seen that slogan before.   It was obviously a play on the idea of a "separation of Church and state."  And the term "hate" on a bumper sticker immediately comes across leftist.  I half expected some other kind of bumper sticker like "keep your rosaries out of my ovaries."

The thing is your average driver here in Oklahoma, including your average Okie conservative, is probably just going to think "well yeah, duh, of course hate isn't a good thing, especially at church."   Some will pick up that it's a leftist slogan against religious moral conservatism, but I suspect most will just nod and let their subconscious mind absorb the highly politicized PC meaning of the slogan.  And that such propaganda from the secularist Left is very effective on the masses.

My Response.

That bumper sticker is hateful.  It is hateful to Christianity, and specifically Catholicism, in particular its traditional doctrines against the act of abortion and act of homosexuality.  What is is saying is "If you or your Church believes abortion or homosexuality [or transgenderism, etc] is a sin, then you are hateful, you are a social threat to contemporary society, and should be treated as such."

The Left is winning.  PC control of our thoughts, free speech, and religious rights is winning.  If you give even an inkling of a hint that you are an actual believing member of the Catholic Church, or an Evangelical church, you are an Enemy of the State, and an enemy to whatever group you belong.

With each passing day in this Chastisement, I think that Christians in general need to be more and more careful in the expression of their faith and moral values in public.  Even me writing this runs the risk someone will out me as a hate-monger simply because I identify as a traditional Catholic.  

How did the early Christians practice their Faith under the Romans when Christianity was illegal and persecuted?   Christianity today is not exactly outlawed yet, but it is persecuted everywhere in public life.  They worshiped in house churches, used secret symbols to identify themselves to each other.   But as a group they were still persecuted, with many martyrs.

Today we Christians are experiencing what some call a "soft martyrdom."  The tactics of the anti-Christian Left are systematic and extremely intense.  The Left has total control of the mainstream, and will continue to have that control 100 x more if Biden/Communism wins.

It will mean we have to be even more clever and secretive, much more than the times of the early Christians, when an age of social media-driven narcissism has literally engulfed every facet of contemporary society.   It will mean more retreat, for traditionalists, conservatives, Catholics, Evangelicals to unite in a common counter-revolution against the age of anti-christ.

Lord help us.