Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Breakin' My Lenten Penance

First, I made a penance not to blog during Lent.  Mitigating factos compel me to break the silence.

Second, since some personal trials of which more or less illuminated my conscience, I must confess I was at least in part imprudent and hurtful to make criticisms towards the new Tulsa bishop and certain priests of the diocese.  My angle was catalyzed by pride coupled with some self-serving desire for blog stats. While my goal was to call attention to what seems to be a dismanteling operation to undo the trad works of Bishop-Emeritus Slattery, there is a degree of culpability  in this which must enter the mind when making an Examination of Conscience before heading into the Confession booth.  When separating our criticism of the sin from criticism of the sinner, the line can get easily blurred.

Third, my health issues have take a turn in a somewhat more serious direction, so fellow friends, this post is about asking for prayers.  I'm functional, yet a weird pattern of symptoms have unfolded across my body in the last 7 weeks, which has been actually been more taxing to mental stability than to my physical contentment.  So while I heal--God willing, prayers--I'll chalk up my latest crosses as my Lenten penance and let this daily pleasure be a much needed balm for my mind.

As Laramie Hirsch always says, "Toodles!"