Durterte now sits in a prison in the Netherlands awaiting trial with the International Criminal Court (ICC), for alleged crimes against humanity in his war on drugs. The globalist, corrupt Marcos family, in collusion with Western Leftists, are accusing Duterte of murder, resulting in his arrest in a Filipino airport.
However, as everybody and their dog knows, he used lawful authority to kill non-innocent drug lords, drug dealers, foot soldiers in the Filipino drug cartel, and anyone in that cartel who refused to surrender, after several warnings. They have waged a still ongoing drug war against the good people of the Philippines, claiming countless lives, destroying souls and minds, and families, ripping apart the social and moral welfare of once peaceful, village communities.
Note, he is not being accused of killing bystanders or innocent people caught up in the war on the drug cartel. They are literally claiming that killing criminal murderers is itself murder. It is absolute moral relativism, calling the good bad, and the bad good. Everybody and their dog, except the godless narcissists who arranged this, knows that murder is killing someone who is innocent, and that a drug lord, or foot soldier for the cartel, is not innocent.
And the accidental death of innocent bystanders during military raids IS NOT murder.
What of all the people murdered by the Filipino cartel? The countless lives ruined to drugs? The actual national security of their country??
Do the Marcos' and their cronies, and the ICC even care? Their is a legal principle "the facts speak for themselves." The facts show they do not care.
There are presently two competing political groups in the Philippines, the side that supports Duterte and his daughter who is now the V.P. (this represents most of the country, by the way, who loves Duterte, and for what he did), who are nationalists and more socially conservative, and the Marcos side who are globalists and more socially liberal.
The facts continue to speak for themselves. Duterte is considered the Trump equivalent for the Philippines. He is against the globalist elites. The globalist elites are pushing for more liberalization and leftist control of the world (especially Catholic countries like the Philippines) by means of political war (globalist vs. nationalist) and actual war (NATO/Ukraine vs. Russia [and its social conservatism]).
They tried to assassinate Trump (twice), are probably still trying to assassinate him, because he might stop their ongoing slaughter of Ukrainian soldiers, and escalation to World War III, and now are seeking (unjustly) either the death penalty or life in prison for Duterte.
For exercising his lawful authority to initiate a lawful state of martial law to protect his country from the drug cartel.
Per my Filipino wife who is following this even more than me, Duterte suggested publicly Marcos could be using drugs, and his wife has a reputation for being addicted to drugs and alcohol. When a narcissist is exposed, they will later exact the harshest of revenge in the form of "narcissistic rage," so I can see how that comment could have "injured" Marcos so much that he, his regime, and international conspirators, are now persecuting Duterte.
For Duterte telling the media he questioned if Marcos is using drugs.
It would not surprise me. Just as it would not surprise me if, after having dinner to talk about their political war against Trump/liberty/world peace, Obama, Hillary, Pelosi, and Shumer went down to say Biden's mansion and had a sex orgy, raping sex trafficked children, and snorted cocaine.
At the heart of the Leftist Elites waging war on our planet, is satanism, diabolical narcissism, sexual perversion, drugs, extreme forms of hedonism, and an unbridled lust for power and money.
And the Marcos' are sitting on enough gold, the infamous Marcos Gold, that actually belongs to The People, that if they give it back to the country, and it is properly invested and used, would literally raise the Philippines from a Third World Country, to being comparably a First World Country.
Who does The Gold really belong to? IT BELONGS TO THE FILIPINO PEOPLE!!!
The Marcos Gold was originally gold hidden by foreign merchants in the Philippines during World War II. Later it made its way into the hands of Marcos Senior.
Morally, The People had a right to The Gold, a) since no foreign power then or since claims it is theirs, b) it wound up on Filipino land during and after the war which makes it spoils of war, or the financial benefits of victory, and c) considering that it is such a gigantic amount of wealth beyond reason for one person or family to claim for their own in that situation.
I will add a LEGAL reason it belongs to The People: Marcos Senior actually put in writing, in his Last Will and Testament, to give the gold back to the Filipino people. His wife was interviewed on TV, showing the will stating this. This remains her position, and ironically the position of Marcos Junior, the current president.
But the issue now is, where is The Gold?? Why is it not being released???
Consider also this: a) the majority of Filipinos believe the Marcos Gold belongs to the country, that it was usurped by the Marcos dynasty, b) the majority are pro-Duterte, pro-liberty, and pro-nationalism, c) their elites have a lust for power and wealth, wealth being the basis for power, d) and Duterte and his movement (akin to the MAGA movement) are anti-elite.
Duterte (and his daughter, despite my grave reservations a woman be vice president or president), compared to the ruling class, have a simple, down-to-earth background. They are a Vox Populi, a Voice of the People.
This planet is currently in the middle of a religion-based culture war, and secondarily culture war, between the leftists, globalists, socialists, and secularists on one side, and everyone else on the other side, but especially conservatives, nationalists, traditionally religious people, especially Christians, and especially Catholics.
At the center of this current existential war, who truth be told Archbishop Vigano is one of the most prophetic witnesses in preaching about, according to his Office of Bishop, is the attack on the Catholic Church, especially from within by the Modernists in Power, that is the attack on the Bride of Christ by the "deep church" and "deep state."
This is the same church-state Cabal that essentially funneled $$$$$ (your tax money!) into the pockets of Churchmen in one diocese after the other in the USA, by means of NSAID, itself a pile of gold put together by the Democrats, to the "Catholic" Charities organization.
We will find out soon how deep this goes, thanks to the high IQ team put together by Elon Musk, literally deputized recently by the U.S. Marshalls Office, to hunt down the criminal elites. And hopefully that will expose this in the Catholic Church here in the U.S. in every diocese it is taking place, where "Catholic" Charities has its roots.
There is no way in holy hell that all these factors are not intimately connected, in the current spiritual battle on our planet between the forces of Christ, vs. the forces of anti-Christ, between the Army of Light, and the Army of Darkness.
I support Trump threatening the Philippines over the Duterte arrest, or countries most behind this, with a tariff war, or the like, yet would add to minimize as much as possible secondary suffering to Filipinos. Tariff the hell out of the Marcos regime until Duterte is returned to the Philippines, or threaten them the hell with it (would be a legitimate "threat') until they do.
And then impeach Marcos Jr., which would make Duterte's daughter president, groom successors to Duterte, keep their movement going, use the absolute force of law to give the Marcos Gold to The People to which it belongs, and then build up materially the Philippines. It has been actually said, then, that the Philippines is, in principle, the wealthiest country in the world.
My last thought is this: if a man single-handedly withholds so much money that belongs to the Filipino People that could literally, if wisely used, raise the country out of poverty, saving countless of lives, and saving countless people from living in severe poverty, as in the slums, and holds it over the heads of the people to keep him in power, stringing them along, promising them one day that "pot of gold at the end of the rainbow," then in that case it is not the likes of Duterte who are committing crimes against humanity, but Marcos and everyone who aids him.
Food for thought for family discussion.
Have a pleasant Spring-like weekend.