Friday, February 7, 2025

Rise Above

It is time for us seekers of  goodness and truth to rise above all the nonsense of the majority of people of this modern world, and that representative, dominating minority that is the face of our current society.  I am talking about people who behave like pests, who drag down Salt-of-the-Earth people with them, who can wear us down into a chronically bad state. 

I am talking about the bullies and elites in every sector of society, and their enablers, those whose minds are in a default state of subjectivism, personal bias, prejudging everyone around them, ready to willingly assassinate peoples’ character and erase them from the group, to harm the innocent when expedient and self-serving.

These are the people who not only contracted the virus of narcissism, which is an epidemic, of outright pathological levels of pride and vanity, but sought it out in the first place to get infected.  They wanted self-glory, to dominate others, to sell their soul to the world to be accepted, and to live a life devoted to pleasing the self (hedonism). 

These are the people who measure themselves and others primarily in terms of money, career advancement, influence, social status, and fitness (physical and psychological), and secondarily, or not at all, in terms of wisdom and virtue, character, faith, authenticity, let alone being Christ-like.  

AKA being meek and humble.  Which they reduce to weakness. 

The evidence that this is the reality is the historical record of popular culture since the 1960’s.  It is undeniable. This culture has only exponentially unfolded one decade after another.

These are pests, and we must rise above them, just like an eagle rises above crows. Crows are pests that harass eagles. They often resort to harassment, prejudice of all kinds, rashly and idiotically judging people as if they are a blank slate of little value until proven otherwise, or by skin level surface features, resorting to slander, detraction, and calumny, ostracization, and psychological and social murder.  They do this while lacking self-awareness that this is precisely what they are doing, or that it is ultimately causing  self-harm. 

If the eagle  took its time to fight the crow, it would win because it is a more excellent creature, smarter and stronger.  But the eagle usually doesn’t because if it did, while it would win, it would get fatigued and have to land on ground.  

Instead the eagle’s  power is the ability to fly at very high altitudes, and higher than the crow.  So to beat the crow, all it has to do is fly to an altitude at which the crow is incapable of flying.  That’s what we must do.

I confess I’ve not always dealt well with the crows in my past. I’m still to this day trying to finally rise above them all in my mind, as a strong habit. And I’m not absolutely innocent of their ways.  I can let them get to me sometimes, wear me down, fatigue me, and make me land on ground instead of soar.  

It is merely an illusion that their worldly success is the real measure of success in this life, on this planet, in this one life God gives us, by which God determines our eternal destiny, chiefly by how much we love Him and every person He puts in our life.  How we treat others.

Sadly, there are crows even among us, that is people who profess Roman Catholicism, orthodoxy, and devotion to tradition. Or people who identify with  politically and socially conservative Christianity opposed to the culture of death and the culture of lust. 

But those crows are not hard to identify.  They act just like the worldly, secular narcissists who thrive on being superior to others, except they carry around rosaries or Latin Mass missals, and treat the parish not as much as the Catholic Church at the most local, public level, but as a country club for the supposedly elite. 

The key is to stand your ground, fraternally correct if necessary, if at all, and as soon as possible rise above them.  Leave them in the past and below you for good, since they are trouble makers and scandalous to the community of believers, by giving misleading bad example.  Like those singled out by St. Paul in the New Testament.  

The crows (again the majority, which are the wordlings, and truth be told also the worldly religious Pharisees masked as good Christians) want you fit, well dressed, and good looking.  Primarily because it feeds their ego, and your presence in their lives serves to elevate their own social status.  They want you to have hard core street smarts, a lot of money, or to see you at a level of ambition aimed at a lot of money.

They walk the common, wide road to turmoil, frequent conflict, existential uncertainty, discouragement, and despair. They will become addicted to alcohol, work, abusing others, and excessive self-care. Externally their lives may be abundant, but internally they reduce themselves to shallow shells of inner turmoil.

But we do not, and cannot walk down that popular path.  We take the narrow road, the path lest travelled, one that is harder, more rocky, more vertical, and challenging, but one that leads upward to beautiful mountain meadows, metaphysical reality itself, being tuned into nature and human nature, and tranquility. To true friendship with God and with true friends, that is those truly loyal to lasting friendship. 

We have to rise above the crows of this world, like an eagle does.  Look the temptation in the eye to fly at the altitude of the crows, to keep fighting those in your way, to fit in with them.

And then tell that temptation to get lost and turn your back on it, and ascend to a higher level.  Ascend to that level where plain, good, authentic, virtuous people dwell, the saints, the angels, and the Holy Ghost.  This is also the place of our pets who are innocent and pure, created to showcase God’s glory, and for our good use.  

Dogs are not impressed by bling, sixty inch flatscreen TVs, a thirty-two inch waist, six figure salaries, or how many friends you have.  They are impressed by humans who are safe, loving, and giving.  They take refuge in people like that, not the crows of this world. 

And again, the crows are those indoctrinated into our narcissistic culture, or who have yet to shed that culture, who would look down on people who are simple-minded, overweight, struggling, poor, nerdy, or shy as odious losers to be avoided like lepers. They are clouded by a dark mind and limit themselves to lower things. Their view of reality is inverted and cloudy. 

Rise above.  Rise above this low class, immoral, self-centered dominant group that has set God and His moral law in the margins, instead of at the center.

It is time to put the crows behind us and below us.  Ascend above and beyond them through the wisdom and grace of God, building upon the nature He gave us, including those divine gifts ingrained into each unique person. 

Rise above the crows.  No longer let them haunt your dreams or subconscious neurotic thoughts in the background, that are like little monkeys on your shoulders filling your ears throughout the day with annoying, toxic chatter.  Chatter that is tempting you to dwell on the evils of the world, of the world of crows.

And again, who are the crows?  Crows are walking, living contradictions, often seemingly correct at mere surface level, since health and a modest degree of prosperity are godly things to aspire to, but focusing on worldly goods, especially social status and popularity in whatever community they belong.   

Even in church circles, which is an unfortunate oddity.  They represent the evil heresy unfortunately alive in Catholic and Protestant circles called “prosperity theology.” that is the false ideology or theology that one’s faith and character, one’s overall value, is measured by how wealthy and healthy you are, as if the poor with serious health conditions are therefore to be deemed on the outer edge of the Church community and God’s esteem.

Whether it is the idiocy of this, or the present pervasiveness of this, it is baffling.

These were the popular kids in high school who stuffed nerds into lockers, or looked up to those kids, or aligned on some level with them, and equated virginity or sobriety or plain dress with psychological weakness and poor social fitness, and still to this day play that high school cafeteria game of superiority.  

They also fill the ranks of those who rise to the level of management, business ownership, and gaited communities, who rise to that level not as much by merit and honesty as by favoritism and dishonesty, of resorting to inhumane treatment of others when necessary to get ahead.

They will be the same ones to hire and promote more based on a cool surface appearance than on competence, hard work, business ethics, or professional integrity.  They do not value professionalism because they do not value treating others by the golden rule.  

The crow is also someone who ends up looking up to and enabling these people. Most crows are this kind of crow. 

Rise above the dark, perpetual complexities and conflicts of this dominate group, however universal and popular, and ascend to the level of divine simplicity, peace, and true love (which is charity and self-sacrifice).  The love that is felt at the very core of your being, and does not go away, whether the romantic love of marriage, true, lasting friendship, or charity,

Dwell instead in bright, heavenly realms of beauty, freedom, creativity, joy, inspiration, and transformation. Of reality.  Heal from all the traumas inflicted by crows. Forgive them, and leave that trauma behind and below you, as you ascend beyond the pests.

Rise above it all, above all the nonsense. God did not create us to be like crows, but like eagles.  To soar, to fully express our nature and talents, to the best of our ability, to dwell with the elect, to be the elect, that is  those who instead chose the way of grace and truth.  The way of eternal salvation.

Ultimately, the crows seeing you ascend may even want themselves to transform into an eagle so they can also soar to heavenly heights. God wants everyone to rise above and soar like an eagle. 

As St. Paul said, “Onwards and upwards.”  Upwards.  One day at a time.  Rise above. And see yourself transform. In Our Lord Jesus Christ. 

And that is my own present and ongoing journey.