Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Pro-Palestine Wokism Demonstrates the Evil of Liberalism

As in the liberalism condemned by the popes. Popular culture reduces liberalism to being just one end of the political spectrum, when in realty it is one of the greatest threats to civilization. This should be most obvious in the rise of wokism.  Young woke liberals getting quickly brainwashed by TikTok to be pro-Palestine, and anti-Israel, to the point of violent college campus protests calling for genocide of the Jews.  Not because they really value Islam or the Arabian people, or hate Jews, but because they want to overturn the “oppressive” majority.  Because that majority is pro-Israel, and they want to overturn the majority, they are willing to embrace the most ridiculous views. This madness is the fruit of liberalism, confirming the necessity of conservatism which is rational and sane.