I don’t believe in revenge. I believe in the Bible, that teaches about just retribution. The Jews at the time of Christ perverted that into revenge. But eye for an eye isn’t about revenge, but legal justice.
Without legal justice, injustice continues against the innocent and common good. Leviticus says to bring your enemy before the judges to have them do to them legally what they tried to do to you illegally. Retribution is therefore divine and glorious when done legally. When President Trump regains the White House, which the Democrat communists stole from The People in 2020, he must and he will be God’s vehicle for a divine and glorious retribution.
To protect the innocent and common good for generations to come from leftist fascist dictators who hate God and America. Trump must do everything in his power as executive to bring to justice every wicked Democrat who planned the Coup, planned to make the January 6th protest look like a hostile riot, politically persecuted hundreds of protesters through unlawful political imprisonment, launched a diabolical, unprecedented political witch-hunt of an outgoing president, and now have launched another wave of felony indictments of advisors who helped him challenge the fraudulent election.
What they have done and are trying to do to him, his supporters, and this nation illegally and traitorously must be done through a legal systematic process through firings, replacements, legislation, and an armada of indictments against those Democrats responsible. Not so much ordinary citizens, but the Democrats at the highest power who organized the fraud.
Unless they were shown to be insane or showed sincere remorse, if I were on the jury, for those shown to be most corrupt and responsible for the Coup (Biden? Pelosi? Fauci?), including the alleged planning of the pandemic to win the election and for a great reset, if proven legally in court, I would vote guilty of treason, and consider the death penalty, by public hanging on the White House lawn, for their bodies to hang there for one year as a historical reminder that they turned the USA into a Communist Banana Republic for 4 years, while persecuting countless patriots for exercising their constitutional rights, defending traditional America.
But before being put to death, those guilty of high crimes of treason, should be forced to live in the exact same harsh prison conditions they have illegally forced upon 200 patriot protesters still sitting 4 years later in a DC prison, many in isolation.
This may end up playing out at the state level in states like Texas, in which top Democrats even from a distance in other states colluded to steal the election and take over the country through a political coup. Let a new Trump administration promote the prosecution of all those duplicitous leftist witch-hunters who have filed corrupt criminal charges across many states.
Round up all the colluders of the nation-wide witch-hunt, and in reverse charge them with conspiracy to commit illegal prosecution and election interference.
Not out of revenge, but out of divine retribution, through the law, through a legally elected President Trump, and to prevent this traitorous takeover and persecution from ever happening again. In order to preserve what good is left of this nation before it completely devolves into a permanent, Communist dictatorship. All for the greater glory of God. How glorious this would be. How glorious this WILL be.