Care of Rorate C. And GloriaTV. Praise God the TLM still exists for now within the approved structures of the Church. Praise God for the work of preserving Tradition by the Ecclesia Dei societies. At the same time, did the Superior General express any concern to Pope Francis about his pontificate’s program to dismantle what is left of Tradition? The requirement to eventually bridge to the Novus Ordo? The homosexual blessings document? Many FSSP priests are hard core traditionalist, at the individual level, but what is the future of all the ED groups as organizations? Vatican II has still not been corrected, nor the liturgical reform, the errors of both which cannot be accepted even if that means being pushed underground. Support also the SSPX. Know the history of the fight for Tradition, and the principles at stake. Be ready to go underground if it comes to it, since traditional Catholicism has already been largely underground since 1970 anyway, to one degree or another, resisting the conciliar religion. Have a good weekend.