I’ll start from head to toe. Most of these starting in early May or since.
Major depression, extreme anxiety, brain fog, tension headaches (feels like a tight band around forehead or back of head), nightly insomnia, numbness around left ear, loss of some hearing left ear, hard wax build up left ear, TMJ disorder nerve pain/muscle cramping/numbness across entire face (old problems), occasional red eyes, neck pain, back pain, especially low back pain, heart palpitations, GERD, internal vibrations inside chest at night, constant GI upset, irritable bowel/diarrhea (new), fatigue sometimes extreme, weakness sometimes extreme, muscle and nerve pains both arms and legs, including hands and feet, frequent numbness in hands at night (old problem), occasional joint pain in hands and feet, etc.
Folks, I’m not going to lie, I feel crippled, especially by the pain, fatigue, and insomnia. I can’t work, can’t function normally, and it’s very hard just to do basic daily things like showering and washing the dishes. I feel constant pain in almost every part of my body except the top of my head, and at least a flu-like state everyday. Some days the pain and/or fatigue is so great I have the thought that it feels like I’m dying, but that’s more symbolic since I’ve never gone through the literal process of dying.
All of this is a temptation from the evil spirit to despair and give up. But I will not. I continue to do what I can, get the help I need from doctors, and to bear this condition in prayer.
The fact is millions deal with this level of debilitating illness or much worse at any given time. It is God’s will. The purpose is to save souls, including my own. None of us will live much longer, that is compared to eternity, so extreme suffering now is doable, with God’s grace.
Please keep me in your prayers, that I persevere daily, and for my healing, God’s will be done.