Tuesday, June 20, 2023

My Thoughts on Titan Submersible Incident

Five people took a submersible named Titan to view the shipwreck of the Titanic, losing contact with the mother ship at sea level.   Their odds of survival at this point are predicted to be 1%.  Lord have mercy on them. 

Here are my thoughts.

It is ironic that these wealthy individuals paid so much for this voyage but presumably have lost their lives, when that is essentially what happened a century ago.  The wealthy wanted the novelty of sailing on the luxurious Titanic, and in the end died, finding their resting place on the ocean floor.  Likewise this small group of wealthy people wanted the once-in-a-lifetime chance to see first hand the Titanic, to end up with the very same tragic fate.  

Yet there is s chance they might still be alive with shallow breathing of their O2 reserve, which is cause enough to pray for them.  Pray for a miracle.  And pray they’ve had the time to prepare their souls.  

An image that comes into my mind is the inside of that submersible those people fighting for their lives facing death.  I read at some point, before oxygen runs out, the lights go out and the interior temp drops to 37 F.   

37 F is pretty cold but it could be tolerated.  Plus somebody must have reserve flashlights, considering the fee of around $200,000 per person.  So the hard part is facing suffocation by means of asphyxiation.  

As oxygen levels drop, carbon dioxide levels rise to the point you get light-headed then pass out.  In their case, except for a miraculous rescue, that’s it.   

But the temptation in those final moments of life would be terror due to being confined to such a small space in the dark, at the bottom of the ocean. I don’t know about you, but I panic when I see my bank account compromised by some online scammer, God help me if ever I’m in a situation like that.  

All the more reason to always be in a continual preparation for death, to die well with peace and courage even in extreme circumstances.  Just think of the martyrs burned to death at the stake for their Faith, the one’s who did not cry out but embraced the pains.

Lord have mercy on these people in the Titan.  Save their lives.  Or prepare them for a holy death in a state of grace, that their souls will be saved. Amen.