Thursday, April 20, 2023

My Experience with a Walmart Tranny

I like to chat with the cashier when I check out my groceries.  There was this one girl cashier who shares the same ethnic background as my wife, so I would talk to her about the old country from time to time. My wife herself would talk to her directly about the Faith and the Latin Mass.  But this girl was obviously a tom boy.   She had a gender neutral name on her name tag, with very short hair. 

Over time I noticed she dressed and acted more overtly like a man, and when we passed by her making eye contact, she was no longer friendly but would look the other direction.  Ok, so be it.

But then one day I was checking out my groceries with another cashier.  The girl that day was acting as front floor supervisor, the one who approves alcohol sales.  I was wearing my camo hat that said “Trump 2024.” I noticed she had stopped and was looking at the hat from a distance and then turned to one of her coworkers whispering, who also turned and looked at the Trump hat, both then laughing.  Ok, whatever. 

At that moment the girl walked over to me, stood a few feet from me, I was making eye contact with an open posture ready to say hello, but she did not make eye contact.  

Instead she immediately turned and walked casually into the men’s restroom ten feet from where I was standing, and didn’t come out for several minutes.  The obvious impression was she was using the men’s restroom herself, and made the point to do it in front of me.  Perhaps in response to the Trump hat, and remembering my wife and I were Catholics, encouraging her to go to Mass.

There was no emergency or urgent situation requiring her to go into the men’s restroom.  She was obviously identifying as a “man.”

That impression is only confirmed the more I shop at Walmart.  I pass by an employee, a young man with a wild, large Afro dyed like a rainbow.  At another location, a girl is wearing a button on her uniform saying “I use male pronouns.”

Making a safe space for hiring LGBTQ people is one thing.  Promoting it to customers as good and moral to be accepted contrary to what we believe the Bible teaches is another thing. And that seems to be what Walmart is doing.  It is literally a form of anti-Christian culture war by Walmart upper management. 

If a non “trans” male had dared go into a woman’s bathroom, you know the women would complain. Especially if it was an older man, and there were children in the restroom. But if I had complained about this incident, the complaint would have almost certainly not been addressed.  Odds are I would have been labeled a “transphobic bigot.”

I don’t see any way to stop this except for conservative Christians to boycott Walmart.  And any other corporation waging the war of wokism on the public.  You can get even cheaper groceries at Costco, or even cheaper at a restaurant supply wholesale warehouse.  

Lord have mercy on us.