Wednesday, March 29, 2023

Finland Joining NATO

Hungary gave the green light.  The only country needing to give its approval is Turkey.  I suspect they will, otherwise they would be going contrary to all the other NATO countries. 

Putin, with all his flaws, I see like Trump himself very flawed, both a kind of de facto Constantine figure, has said if Finland joins, they take this as an act of aggression and escalation towards direct NATO war with Russia (and therefore its allies, as in CHINA) and will respond accordingly.

I do not believe the pro-NATO/Ukraine puppet government narrative.  I tend to believe the anti-NATO/Ukraine puppet government narrative coming from many Western figures like Archbishop Vigano or Colonel McGregor.   

That is traditionalist conservative, populist, and nationalist truth tellers challenging the Main Stream Media.  Men of education, intelligence, and intellectual honesty. 

The US helped Ukraine bomb Russian airbases which are part of Russia’s nuclear program. Putin then responded by suspending Russia’s observance of the treaty limiting nuclear bomb deployment.  Then UK announced its sending artillery that used depleted uranium, all the while GI Joe Zelensky has called for preemptive nuclear strikes on Russia, for Pete sakes.  And big surprise, Putin is now, consequently, preparing to send nuclear bombs near the border of Belarus, across the border of Ukraine.  

It’s a near daily process of escalation.  An endless tennis match, one side responding to the other, only bringing us one step closer to That-Which-Few-are-Openly-Discussing-but-Which-nearly-Every-Government-is-rapidly-Preparing-For. 

China called for a peace treaty which the globalists laughed at.  Last week Chinese president Xi then met with Putin, supporting his statements warning about nuclear exchange.  This after China publishing a manifesto of grievances against the American/NATO empire.  

It does not take a military expert to predict the likely sequence in the months ahead, based on the sequence of events this last year, using reliable intel published online across the world, based on conservative, anti-globalist military experts. 

Finland joins NATO soon —> More $$$ and weaponry sent into Ukraine —> Russia takes Bakmut —> Russia takes the Donbas —> a new major Ukrainian offensive targets Crimea (which is, and was historically, part of Russia) —> Putin sends in his second, much predicted, major offensive, hundreds of thousands of troops reducing Ukraine down to a prehistoric wasteland —> Poland etc enters Ukraine —> Putin bombs Poland etc —> article 5 is triggered —> Russia tries again to make a peace treaty: the Donbas to be conceded with de-militarization —> the globalists reject a diplomatic solution like madmen, just like that Manhattan DA trying to indict Trump which will actually help him get elected, not hurt him —> Putin uses strategic nuclear bombs on Poland and possibly American nuclear silos —> we use nuclear bombs on Russia —> WW3 and Nuclear War is official. 

This is why every night we pray there will be peace in Ukraine and no world war, BUT that we are prepared spiritually and materially if the unending escalation results in what the chain of events likely leads to.

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