Thursday, June 2, 2022

Yesterday’s Tulsa Mass Shooting

The shooter is probably in hell, if so praise be to God’s justice.  He is all good. Unlike Novus Ordo Catholicism (a false religion), Traditional Catholicism has always taught if someone commits suicide, they are to be deemed “probably” in hell, an admonition so others won’t kill themselves.  There being next to no time to repent, if any time.  I pray this SOB repented at the last nanosecond, but probably not, being “probably” in hell.  According to the teaching of the Catholic Church. I still pray for the sociopath. 

But I’ll be hanging my front porch American flag at half mast for the victims (RIP). and their families. 

I suspect once again another deep state false flag operation to ban guns, for government control during WW3/Great Reset.  There are way too many mass shootings in such a short period of tine to not suspect something is being planned.   

Just wait and see when the NEXT mass shooting goes down, THEN ask yourself the same question.

The narcissist (one entitled to violate the rights of others) recently bought an AR-15, a fact interestingly highlighted by the TPD and media, essential to prevent your family from being slaughtered when gangs of thugs try to invade your private property.  

He was already suicidal and depressed, an easy target for manipulation.  They would just monitor the local population from their agency-funded hotel room, apply criminal psychology to find their target, someone suicidal and hurt by society, with a history of extreme violence, then just accidentally meet them one night in a bar and befriend them, tell them to buy an AR-15, to get revenge.   They’ve been doing this for decades to politically engineer American society. 

By the way, I was listening to Mayor Bynum practically cry about this, thinking at first I was listening to a woman, describing the TPD for literally D-day like valor, “storming the beaches of Normandy.”  Give me a break.  Reading between the lines, Bynum/TPD is making this about them.  Their PR statements in context come across as saying “We’re NOT like that police department in the TX shooting last week.”

The TPD is notorious btw across the city for being incompetent and unreliable as an organization. 

Dudes, this isn’t about you.  You work for the taxpayer, and are 0.00001% of the population.  You guys just showed up in your cars and made PR statements, the incident already brought to an end by the suicide.

And for good measure, a St. Francis hospital exec called people of all faiths regardless of your beliefs to prayer in a PR statement.  So the head of a Catholic institution is calling on local Satanists to ask Lucifer for intervention.  “Of all faiths.”  The occult (ripe in certain parts of Tulsa) worship all sorts of entities. 

Biden will blame constitutional gun laws like we have in red state Oklahoma for this shooting. They’ll politicize this immediately.  So we have to respond. Take your gun control psyop operations, to take away our self-protection, and stick it up your ass.  You won’t take away our right to bear arms in the Sooner state. 

If those murdered yesterday had been carrying, this probably wouldn’t have happened.  

Everyone is asking what was the cause.  The cause is contemporary American society as a whole.  We are the cause.  And passing school prayer laws, while important, won’t stop this rapid descent into the abyss. 

I’m wondering if Biden will be flown down to Tulsa.  We’ve had two mass shootings in one week, the other in Taft, OK.  If so, will he attend Mass and be given Communion?

The communist deep state and deep church being one intertwined reality. 

Only God can fix this. And I put all my trust that Divine Justice is descending upon this land to bring us back to reality.  Very soon.  But it will mean chastisement.  Prepare now.