Friday, June 10, 2022

J6 Witch Hunt is Based on a False Premise

It’s premise is false, that Trump needed to prove election fraud causing Biden to be elected.  There was already a mountain of evidence, many in the GOP in swing states pointed to on 1/6, and before, that the Democratic Party committed massive voter fraud.  Period.  Regardless if that caused Biden to win (it did), that disqualifies Biden as attempting a political coup (which he accomplished). 

Under those circumstances, Trump had every right to get angry and rally a protest,  to defend through freedom of speech and assembly the future of this country.  Not in a million years did he instigate a riot much less an insurrection.  However, the Leftists and RINOs (The Swamp) will do everything in their power to disqualify Trump from re-election, silencing the MAGA movement.  If you frequent these pages, odds are that includes you. They will be silencing the voice of the People, at least half of the country.  Which is tyranny.