Wednesday, June 8, 2022

Bad News. House Bans Sale of Essential Ammo

Unless we form a new Union, I’ve pledged to myself to never again vote for another political candidate at the federal level, since the Coup created a de facto Communists States of America, a Banana Republic. 

All the more reason given what the “conservative” party agreed to today.   Lost in the headlines about increasing the age for buying semi-automatic weapons to 21, is the fact they banned the sale of ammo cartridges carrying more than 15 rounds.  

So if some foreign (or domestic) power disables our military and police force, invades our nation, their soldiers having cartridges with more than 15 rounds, we’re sitting ducks.  It’s as if the RINOs no longer believe in or care about the main reason for the 2nd amendment.  

In all these recent mass shootings, it wasn’t guns that killed people.  It was psychopaths made so by our liberal, pagan society.