Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Oklahoma News. Trans-sexualism, Catholic High Schools, Forced Sterilization, New Abortion Ban, Okie Prep for War

Oklahoma State University Promotes Trans-sexualism:

OSU in Stillwater, using your hard earned tax dollars, showed its leftist colors recently hosting a Drag Queen show for little kids age 2-10, for Pete sake, to indoctrinate our little ones into believing sodomy and trans-sexualism are normal and moral.  While some states are now starting to outlaw this, their new laws upheld by courts.

These pervert “educators” need to be charged with sexual abuse against these innocents, and be sued for compensation for the Christian counseling these children will need to recover from those mental images.  And punitive damages so the tranny activists learn they better stop these Drag shows for kids.

We need to call on conservative state senators and congressmen in Oklahoma to once and for all pass legislation to put a full stop to the LGBTQ activists forcing their perversion on our children.  

Better for a high school grad to go to trade school, become an electrician, and then start their own small business, than go to a state university the likes of OSU where they will lose their faith and values.  Or better for a home-schooled kid to read all day sitting in a tree house, than to go to any public school where they risk getting gunned down by a trans-sexual psychopath, taught to devalue human life by a godless public school system, while the police wait outside for sixty minutes.

OKC Catholic High School Getting Sued:

A Catholic high school in Oklahoma City is being sued for a whopping $70 Million for a decade of fostering an environment of sex abuse by teachers and students, allegedly because the administration for some reason lacked proper discipline.  You know, to stop sexual assaults on campus by expelling and notifying the police.  If a male student tries to rape a female student in the back of biology lab, he needs to get expelled and spend a few months in Juvy doing hard, daily physical labor.  Not told "Don't do that again."

Their case sounds credible.  Reminds me of the male basketball coach seducing and raping boys in his team, many say this being tolerated by Catholic Bishop Kelley high school administration in Tulsa, finally being fired and brought to justice.  

If the pattern is true, then I hope they win the whole 70 million and bankrupt the school, to the point it has to shut down.  99% of schools today that call themselves "Catholic" are in fact NOT "Catholic" and should either convert to Traditional Catholicism, or be leveled to the ground by bulldozers and the land sold.  This would be an act of divine justice.  So hopefully the Church authorities can examine the root causes of all major Catholic institutions (schools, parishes, chanceries, etc) losing their true, religious identity.  That is Catholic modernism and liberalism.

Okie Dem Wants to Force Sterilize Boys:

A liberal Dem state congressman is calling for the most moronic legislation of which I’ve ever heard. He will literally propose legislation for the state government, Oklahoma of all places, to literally force adolescent boys to be sterilized.  

It’s his backward, nonsensical way of protesting the new law which bans abortion starting at conception.  Problem is, Adolf, that’s what the Nazi's did to classes of people they deemed unworthy of parenthood, later facing the Nuremberg trial.  Brilliant move.  

By the way, Mr. Lawmaker, it is against international and national law to do this.  You can't force boys to get sterilized, or for parents to allow this.  Hello.  Somebody give this guy a drug test.  This non-thinking Dem needs to retract soon, or be impeached and face prosecution for attempted sterilization of children.  Or more likely be voted out of office as a joke.  He might still be able to backtrack this, and say it was just hyperbole to promote abortion, but after the next news cycle, if he hasn't clarified this, his political career is over.

New Oklahoma Abortion Ban:

Here's some good news, in fact cause for demonstrative front yard pig roasts/pro-life signs/patriotic music to let the neighbors know you support protection of unborn life. Governor Stitt finally signed the abortion ban, the strictest in all 50 states. One reason to be proud of Oklahoma. 

It now has the most strict ban on baby-in-the-womb dismemberment. It’s not ok anymore to suction an unborn baby into a medical waste bin.  Praise God, a culture of life is slowly resurrecting across this state.  

And if any person aids and abets abortion, guess what, ANY Oklahoman can civilly sue them for $10,000, something that can relatively easily be done in small claims court without any lawyer. 

Hey, might make an unusual livelihood, finding these pro-murder "aiders and abetters."  Just stand outside one of the three abortuaries in Oklahoma, or any abortion-counseling Planned Parenthood office, with a sign saying “Make $10,000 if they try to get you to abort.  Let's talk.”  Unless she has reported rape to authorities, they can’t give -- or ADVISE -- an abortion.  Per the new law.  If they try, she and you can sue to get the $10,000.  Split the winnings.  Do it over and over again. And most cases of pregnancy from rape don’t get reported, so practically speaking, abortion will be rare if at all in the Sooner state.  Praise God.

Okie Prep for War:

My view of how Oklahoma should prepare for the impending War and economic collapse:  conservative state congressmen and senators must pass laws asap to boycott the Green Deal and Great Reset.  Ramp up drilling for oil and gas here in our state.  Make drastic, quick changes to our farming infrastructure so we Oklahomans grow our own fertilizers, and food, to be as independent as possible.  Have initiatives to get everyone that is willing to grow Victory Gardens to survive.  Become as independent as possible, as fast as possible, from DC and the globalist system.  How about this slogan on a ball cap "Oklahoma First"?  We all need to be embracing what the Church calls subsidiarity, that is local rule and local control of the economy.  To resist what is coming very soon.