Sunday, May 29, 2022

Costco Employee Told Me Yesterday: "No, I'm not Seeing Many Preppers"

Planning World War and Economic Collapse.  Possessed by demons.

Thinks it's all just a conspiracy theory.  95% of people.

Taking responsibility.  So he and his don't starve to death.  5% of people.

Meanwhile the Meth Head Zombies roam the streets.  Entitled, Woke, and Half Dead.

While this person politicizes school shootings to ban guns.

And while the Angel of Death descends from heaven upon the land, to exact God's wrath.

While the masses keep on with their Netflix, weekly Olive Garden, and living in La La Land.

If/when wheat doesn't make it out of Ukraine in the weeks and months ahead, through the Black Sea, millions will die of starvation this year.  Yada yada.  Pass me the remote.

Oh let's not forget about this.  And the Great Reset plan to reduce the world population. That'll be quite the spectacle.  Right?  Or am I right?

After a couple days of not eating, most will turn (effectively) into Zombies.  Good luck getting through my door, me on the other side standing peacefully behind my sandwich board after evening rosary making tuna sandwiches.  Invoking Our Lady of Fatima.  Bring it on blue hair zombies.

Prepare now, folks.  Or die.  Your choice.