Sunday, September 5, 2021

We Are Obligated to Take This Catholic Stance

It is the duty of every person to profess Christ and His Church, and therefore to reject the false VII teaching that everyone has a fundamental right in their human nature to profess a false religion. 

The Church is a monarchy, each Pope and Bishop being a monarch, and therefore we must reject the VII false teaching on collegiality, which makes the Church into a collectivist democracy in the college of bishops, and which makes the college of bishops itself have equal authority to the Pope.

The Church cannot preserve her life while reforming her structures to accommodate an anti-Christian age, and therefore the Council’s call for aggiornomento, or adapting the Church to this modern age, must be rejected. 

Christ does not use schismatic or heretical churches formally as instruments of salvation despite this being the clearly heretical error taught by VII, but instead God only uses the  Catholic Church as a formal organization to save souls. 

And the Mass is primarily the Holy Sacrifice of the Cross, offered by the priest in persona Christi on the altar, not primarily a narrative memorial as clearly presented by the Novus Ordo Missae. 

This is why there is an SSPX, and why every priest, religious, and lay person must make this same testimony of traditional Catholic Faith against the Errors. 

Come what may.  

If the Ecclesia Dei Institutes oppose such a Profession, then they are in Error themselves. 

We must resist the errors of Vatican II and the Novus Ordo.  Publicly.   Which practically means every one of us must place ourselves in the same DOCTRINAL stance as the one taken by Archbishop Lefebvre and the Society of St. Puts X.

That is the truly Catholic path. 

Praised be to Jesus Christ.

Questions, constructive feedback, or to say good day Okie trad, I’m at: