Friday, August 20, 2021

This Week in Review: A Hot Summer in Need of Relief

I don’t know about you all, but I’m looking forward to some relief soon from the summer heat. Literally…and metaphorically.  

It’s been a hot one in the deep heat of July/August here in Oklahoma, which parallels the deep heat of the current Crisis in the Catholic Church, this summer to be exact.

Excessive heat does something to the brain.  Increased heat leads to increased blood pressure and inflammation, which causes some level of brain swelling, albeit at safe enough levels, yet still having an affect on brain chemistry and as a result the psyche.  The remedy of course being cooler temps. 

Bullying and gaslighting from current Church authorities, who hold the sacraments, the liturgy, the very Magisterium in their hands, which we need for salvation itself, is enough to inflame our psyches, and cause spiritual trauma, even if only temporarily.  And seasonally.  

The effects of the new nuclear bomb Motu Proprio on the TLM are still being spread/experienced in many dioceses where the bishop in the past was not supportive of the plain and simple universal right to the True Mass.  

If the Pollyanna Optimists are really honest about it, most bishops have fit that description.  

And then there’s these many “cancelled priests” like Fr. Altman from the LaCrosse diocese, or for example Fr. Benedict Andersen from his Irish diocese, placed in a kind of ecclesiastical gulag.  

And for good measure, certain very large dioceses have set precedent they will not support religious exemptions for pro-life Catholics not wanting to participate in—even remotely—an Abortion-linked vaccine. Likewise, “Catholic” Biden is starting to force the jab on all Americans, starting soon with all nursing home workers under threat Medicare be otherwise withheld from nursing facilities not in full compliance of the new mandate..  All backed up by weekly admonitions from Francis-Church for everyone to get the jab.

To even have to face the threat of losing your livelihood for refusing the Abortion-linked vaccine is itself an ongoing soft martyrdom.

Oh, and for a summer ice cream treat, we get treated to weekly headlines about Francis spouting, almost comically, yet more heresies in his General Audiences.  The last couple times literally contradicting the Council of Trent on the Ten Commandments and Justification.  Hello.

The tensions of what to do, what to believe, where to go, how to mentally process the unfolding, exponentially more dystopic situation, have torn at many Catholic laity and priests alike.

We have entered the eye of the tornado, and we can only expect more persecution in the weeks and months ahead .  

At least though in a few weeks, we can look forward to subsiding temps, and the promise of all things Fall.  Campfires, hiking, fishing, hunting, and the like.  The Lord saying “My yoke is easy, my burden is light.”  At least we have some small things to sustain us, the jam in our bread as they say, and of course His Grace. 

Have a good weekend.

Questions, constructive feedback, or just to say what’s up Okie Trad, email me at: