Thursday, August 26, 2021

Eucharistic Sacrilege in Norman, Oklahoma. Despite Faithful Priest Saying Mass “Ad Orientem.”

I attended this parish for 4 years when I attended OU in Norman, when it was an off the charts haven for modernists, arch-liberals, arch-ecumenists, and heretics.  

They have a new, more traditional-style church, and the pastor seems Tradition-minded, saying Mass on occasion ad Orientem, to the East.

If a priest (or bishop) has zero interest in saying Mass in a sacrificial posture, in my book he is already suspect of the Protestant heresy on The Holy Sacrifice. 

But I digress. 

Here’s the story reported here: LINK

The priest laments frequent very immodest dress in church.  

Recently a woman brought her dog to Mass in a dog carrier.  At Communion, she asked the priest to give Holy Communion to…her DOG.

He corrected her.

The result?  She became so angry she reported him to the diocesan “sex abuse hotline” for being “mean,” which implies she took him refusing Communion to her dog as sexist towards her. 

Thank God for this faithful priest.  Prayers he turns away from the Novus Ordo Missae which itself in its very design, encourages Eucharistic sacrilege.  He should say the Traditional Latin Mass.  Since he is a lawyer, he knows this can’t be restricted, and has a right to say the True Mass.