Thursday, July 29, 2021

The FOCUS Going Forward Must be on the Truth, More Than Church Politics

Jesus Christ and His Church are the Truth, they are the answer to every problem. 

But it is the Truth that the Church is in a grave, universal Crisis, because it is now falsely taught all men can be saved through false religions, that the hierarchical Church is a collegial democracy of bishops equal in authority to the Supreme Pontiff, that we can participate in heretical rites in the name of ecumenical unity, and that the offering of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass is to be presented mainly as a memorial narrative.

The Truth is these Errors are the foundation of this Modernist Crisis, and are contained in certain texts of Vatican II and the Novus Ordo Missae, confirmed in many places in post-conciliar texts.

Yet, according to the new Motu Proprio, you must give TOTAL acceptance to the Council/Novus Ordo, essentially accepting these Errors, which is conversely, by necessity, to deny those Catholic Truths being contradicted. 

Resisting these Errors, and upholding the Catholic Truth, is then the necessary response to the demands of this Motu Proprio.

It is not a question of being a radical extremist on the far right, but rather it is a question of being faithful to divine Catholic Truth.

Lately reading online discussion of the néw Motu Proprio situation, with all the optimistic predictions that this new draconian dictate will largely be ignored, what is usually missing in these discussions is a commitment to Catholic Truth, vs. the Errors.  The false emphasis by some, though understandable, is on the personage of Francis-Bergoglio, how this all will play out diocese by diocese in the coming weeks and months, and whether or not personal preferences for the Tridentine rite will be upheld. 

The Truth we Trads, all of us, need to proclaim far and wide going forward is that Christ instituted a propitiatory Sacrifice in the Mass, with the memorial aspect being secondary, contrary to what the Novus Ordo canon clearly presents, which we can not accept as Catholics to be “legitimate.”  And that there is only one True Faith all are obligated to believe with no right to false religion, that the only legitimate rites we can participate in are those approved by the Church free of heresy, and that the Pope has superior authority to the college of bishops. 

And we should not ever have fear of declaring these Catholic Truths to the chancery TLM overseer, now required by the Motu Proprio, when he visits our TLM parish, for fear of losing permissions for Mass in Latin. 

In essence, you and I are obligated to profess these Truths both privately and publicly, even though the Powers-that-Be are requiring a TOTAL acceptance of VII/The Liturgical reform, going toward.  To even proclaim them in resistance to the conciliar hierarchy that preaches contrary Errors.  Even to proclaim the Truth to your FSSP or diocesan trad priest, who to be frank are silenced from proclaiming these specific, dogmatic Truths, as contrary to the Conciliar Error, or worse themselves believe the Error. 

If we dare call ourselves Catholic, committed to all Catholic Truths, then there is no option, we must profess the Truth, come what may.

On Judgment Day, Christ will judge us traditional Catholics, who know the Truth, whether or not we upheld and professed it in this life. 

The Latin Mass and Catholic Tradition, adhering to pre-Vatican II Catholicism, is not an option or personal preference. That merely places the traditional Faith on the far right of the political spectrum in the Church, a political “right-vs-left” reaction to Catholic modernism.  This trend is especially common in the Church in America.

The Truth is that the Latin Mass (true Catholic worship) and Catholic Tradition, and rejecting the Council’s Errors (religious liberty, ecumenism, collegiality, modernist aggiornomento), and rejecting the Errors in the text of the Novus Ordo (false worship), and the common banal way the Novus Ordo is done, is a a grave obligation.   

This is because we are bound strictly to Catholic Truth, period, in whatever diocese or situation we find ourselves. 

When the Novus Ordo hierarchy fails us, the Truth of Christ and His sacraments saves us. 

Just consider how the Truth of Christ and Holy Baptism sustained Japanese Catholics, who for centuries were without priests.   

When the Traditionalist Movement is divided between camps and sub-camps within those camps, with at times certain clerical abuses, at times dysfunctional parish life, and its very existence threatened, especially in the more liberal dioceses, by the implementation of the latest legislation on the TLM, when the TLM might even be temporarily removed or banished to a convent chapel or parish gymnasium, or whatever unfair circumstance may continue to unfold…

In the end we have the Truth of Jesus Christ, the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church, which includes 2000 years of Dogmatic, Liturgical, and Disciplinary Tradition, and the Truth that the gates of hell will not prevail over the Church. 

If we orient our mind and soul to these divine Truths, in the end our spiritual life will not suffer from clericalistic abuses, how we are treated by our fellow Catholics including fellow traditionalists, online or in the flesh, or by a modernist Dictator Pope.  

Praise be Jesus Christ, the Way, the Truth, and the Life.