Sunday, July 4, 2021

Happy 4th! In a Sense.

This is the first 4th of July I am not honoring the government of what continues to be called the "USA," because the USA died on January 6th, 2000.  It is now de facto the Communist States of America. 

The flag I fly on my porch, the BBQ I eat today, the patriotic music I listen to, is a MEMORIAL to the United States of America (RIP), a patriotic hope that once great country will be resurrected one day.

In perhaps a couple hundred years, and if so preferably as a Catholic confessional state.

I love this land, my People who are true Americans, and its traditions.  Until then, I sip my beer in retreat from the new Banana Republic, bearing witness.

Happy 4th of July!  In a sense.