Wednesday, June 30, 2021

10 Reasons to Embrace Catholic Tradition


 1.  A major spiritual relief--i.e. from the banality of the Novus Ordo rite atmosphere.  Turning away from Modernism towards Catholic Tradition is like removing yourself from a room filled with noxious fumes clouding the mind, and stepping into fresh, clear air.  Catholic Tradition clears and enlightens the mind and soul. 

2.  A closer communion with the historic Church, with all the Popes, Bishops, Priests, Saints, Devout Laity of the last 2000 years, as in all those before the Vatican II period.  This hyper-focus on the contemporary somewhat removes you from our Forefathers in the Faith.

3. Right worship leads to right belief.  Focused belief on a few core basics like the Eucharist or Mary or pro-life teaching is not the fullness of a lived orthodoxy.  The Catholic needs all those lower level doctrines integral to a dogmatic faith, like the necessity of sacred music and sacred liturgical language, or the truth that Thomistic theology is not merely one system of thought, but that system alone incorporated into the Magisterium, etc.  When you can worship as you want, in Pentecostal fashion, as long as it is "approved," you end up with a very incomplete and vague sense of doctrine.  Not so when you adhere to that perennial form of the Roman rite, i.e. the TLM.  The law of prayer determines the law of belief (another low level doctrine lost to Catholic Modernism).  So you believe as you should be believing, when you worship as you should be worshiping.  

4.  Catholic Tradition is a treasure to be discovered.  Not only the wonders of the Roman liturgy and liturgical year--largely forgotten by the Novus Ordo rite--but the traditional catechisms, storehouse of papal encyclicals against the modern errors, the architecture, music, art, pilgrimages, and traditional Christian culture born out of Catholic Tradition.  Christian culture like that of the Church''s scholastic system of philosophy, theology, classical education, the humanities, etc.  You will not find treasures like this in what has been called the Regime of Novelty.  

5. The glory of joining the persecuted remnant Church, i.e. those Catholics faithful to Tradition, marginalized and falsely accused of schismatic rebellion and obstinately resisting the conciliar Reform.  That false accusation and treatment is a badge of honor you can put on, joining the other millions of traditional Catholics in the movement of Catholic Tradition, loyal to Christ who most of all was persecuted for us.

6.  A movement open to life and magnanimity.  The traditional Catholic who marries is open to life, rejecting birth control, typically being blessed with large families, to fill up heaven, bringing about more priestly and religious vocations, and being a light to the world in their lifestyle.  As opposed to a false light of mere superficial niceness, the kind that tolerates heresy and sacrilege in the sanctuaries of the conciliar church.  Traditional Catholics are people of action and abundance, according to the biblical design of the family and society.

7.  You'll get your priorities straight.  Parish life is subordinate to the Mass and sacraments.  All is ordered for the salvation of souls.  Obedience is first to Christ and the Faith, and secondarily to the current pope or bishop, in the proper hierarchical order.  Friendship among Catholics is mainly a spiritual communion, sharing a pew to worship, or the altar rail to receive Our Lord in a posture of reverence.

8.  You'll better break free of the post-modern historical bubble mindset, that historical frame of mind that embraces the 1960's like the beginning of a New Age (a Dark Age really).  By embracing the traditional Faith/Church, and turning away from a post-modern mode of Church life, you will connect better with all of Church and human history.  Catholic Tradition helps you become a true member of Western Christian civilization, and to help preserve it.

9.  Catholic Tradition is stable, built on deep layers of granite that will not disappear until the end of time, even if for now preserved only by the few.   Unlike the Novus Ordo false reform, it will not pass away because it is not built on quicksand (Modernism + Liberalism).

10.  God wants you to be a traditional Catholic, to be faithful to that Tradition He revealed and developed as the True Religion.  God did not only reveal a divine Tradition of divine doctrines;  He also developed organically and stably a Religion of worship and devotion.  Embrace this Religion in its fullness.

Conclusion, search out a traditional Latin Mass!  And embrace Catholic Tradition!  I did 20 years ago, Deo gratias, and I've never looked back.